Potential class 3 and class 4 state champions play in Columbia ( Sat. 2-13-16 )


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Class 3 Father Tolton 17-2-----Ranked # 1 in class 3
Class 4 Vashon--------14-4-----Ranked # 2 in class 4

This should be one of the top games in Missouri to date. Both teams have big wins this season. Both teams have defeated highly regarded St. Louis CBC this season.

The " indicators " give a small edge to Father Tolton because the game is in Columbia. Trusted St. Louis Confidants have St. Louis Vashon @ even odds to win a class 4 state championship because of their tough schedule while other trusted SEMO Confidants have Sikeston 19-0 winning it all.

I would take Vashon and the field against Sikeston or I would also take Sikeston and the field against St. Louis Vashon to win class 4. Any takers for a friendly wager?

I would take Father Tolton and the field against Kansas City Barstow or I would take Kansas City Barstow and the field against Father Tolton and the field to win class 3. Any takers on the above " Sucker Bet "?
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Where is this game being played and are there any other games scheduled at the same location?
I will take Sikeston over Vashon and bet you a side of world-famous Dexter BBQ ribs from here in good ole Sikestown!
I will take Sikeston over Vashon and bet you a side of world-famous Dexter BBQ ribs from here in good ole Sikestown!

Sikeston has a much easier road to the class 4 final four then the Vashon Woverines.

Class 4 district 1-4

District 1--@ Sikeston--I have Sikeston running thru districts and the sectionals but the competition begins here for the Sikeston Bulldogs.
District 2--Farmington
District 3--Lutheran South or Festus
District 4--@ Westminister or Parkway West

Class 5-8
District -5 @ Vashon- Miller Career and St. Mary's ( I'm going with Vashon )
District--6---Jennings and Riverview Gardens ( Riverview has 3 new players eligible the second semester ) This is a toss up with Riverview getting the edge.
District 7--Walk thru district
District--8--@ Hannibal------Take your pick between Mexico, Kirksville or Moberly

The sectional winner between 5 and 6 walks into the final four. I have Vashon doing the walking.

If the class 1-4 winner plays class 5-8 in the semi finals--We have a Sikeston-Vashon game. The St. Louis confidants have Vashon and the SEMO confidants have Sikeston. I have " Confidants in both places.
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Is the Father Tolton vs. Vashon game @ Father Tolton?

Vashon @ Father Tolton is correct. St. Louis High School Prep has the game time @ 6:00 PM. I'm guessing the JV game is @ 6:00. Tolton should be a slight favorite in this game of interest but don't be surprise if the Woverines come home with the win. Both teams have plenty of time to get on a high for Districts regardless of who wins this game.
I maybe wrong, but didn't most of the team that beat Tolton last year in the state play-off transfer to Vashon? Tolton has a 6 man rotation. Tired legs may be a factor in the outcome. Should be a great game. No doubt, Tolton and Barstow is headed for a state title match up no matter the outcome. That is if everyone stays healthy. There are several teams that have a shot at the Class 4 title. Helias, Vashon, Rolla, Webb City has a few quality wins, Sikeston and Borgia to name a few. I think class 4 has the widest range of contenders and should be the best tournament.
If your talking Class 4 contenders you have to name Lafayette (St. Joe). They are solid and look for them to have a say in who wins it all.

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