Planned Parenthood strikes again


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Good to see that the original Planned Parenthood video was an aberration... whoops, not so much. Yes, exactly what we need, tools to make extraction "less crunchy." How very sad.

A bit ironic that Planned Parenthood and the supporters of abortion claim that the fetus is not human, when in fact it is their very humanity that makes their body parts valuable.
Out of sight, out of mind.

All good unless it's you that is getting the ol'neck snapped.
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Move along, nothing to see here.

Lets get back to shocking news, like Trump telling the truth.
Actually you just took the position that Planned Parenthood wants the general public to take - nothing to see here...

However, the inhumane brutality of what it is that they do, and the callousness with which they actually discuss it has been exposed. It is a mirror that most supporters of abortion do not want to look into because it is easier to talk about it in conceptual terms. This however is forcing the public to look at it, and it scares the heck out of Planned Parenthood which is why they are fighting like crazy to redirect the story. An editorial on CNN today calls it out perfectly:

"Planned Parenthood is sensitive to us getting the wrong idea about what it does. But we're sensitive about not having to find out.

Whoever thinks about the reality of abortion unless they actually have to participate in one? Whoever considers the crushed organs: the hearts, lungs and livers? We all prefer to mask this truth behind euphemisms, of which Planned Parenthood is simply the market leader. Reproductive health centers. Medical services. Procedures. Anything but calling it what abortion really is -- the obliteration of a fetus."

Awesome - the market leader in euphemisms...
Actually you just took the position that Planned Parenthood wants the general public to take - nothing to see here...

However, the inhumane brutality of what it is that they do, and the callousness with which they actually discuss it has been exposed. It is a mirror that most supporters of abortion do not want to look into because it is easier to talk about it in conceptual terms. This however is forcing the public to look at it, and it scares the heck out of Planned Parenthood which is why they are fighting like crazy to redirect the story. An editorial on CNN today calls it out perfectly:

"Planned Parenthood is sensitive to us getting the wrong idea about what it does. But we're sensitive about not having to find out.

Whoever thinks about the reality of abortion unless they actually have to participate in one? Whoever considers the crushed organs: the hearts, lungs and livers? We all prefer to mask this truth behind euphemisms, of which Planned Parenthood is simply the market leader. Reproductive health centers. Medical services. Procedures. Anything but calling it what abortion really is -- the obliteration of a fetus."

Awesome - the market leader in euphemisms...

Evidently I veiled my sarcasm a little too much.
Good to see that the original Planned Parenthood video was an aberration... whoops, not so much. Yes, exactly what we need, tools to make extraction "less crunchy." How very sad.

A bit ironic that Planned Parenthood and the supporters of abortion claim that the fetus is not human, when in fact it is their very humanity that makes their body parts valuable.

GOP had complete control of GUBMINT from 2000-2006 and abortion is still legal.

Why do you think that is?

Let me help you: They know some people will believe they want to end abortion and will get your vote on that issue alone.

Wake up.

P.S. Anti-abortion folks used an edited video. Surprise soorpise sooooprise
Veer do you get bored? You copy and paste the same crap.

Wonder why the GOP didn't close PP down or outlaw abortion when they had complete control of gubmin from 2000-2006.

Think on that one and get back to us.
Veer do you get bored? You copy and paste the same crap.

Wonder why the GOP didn't close PP down or outlaw abortion when they had complete control of gubmin from 2000-2006.

Think on that one and get back to us.

are you are 'work'?

Every time a GOPer cries about abortion they should look at themselves as the problem. Vote out the liars. Simple as that.

You people are the definition of insanity.
The definition of stupid is assuming people only vote for their respective candidate because of one issue. Unless you're a complete boot licker(reference your Ron Paul shirtless poster above your bed), most will not agree 100% with their candidate.

You spout off at the keyboard the same crap year after year, yet don't provide us with the candidates you support. And I am sure for good reason. That is unless you don't vote at all.

Maybe you should run for office?
The definition of stupid is assuming people only vote for their respective candidate because of one issue. Unless you're a complete boot licker(reference your Ron Paul shirtless poster above your bed), most will not agree 100% with their candidate.

You spout off at the keyboard the same crap year after year, yet don't provide us with the candidates you support. And I am sure for good reason. That is unless you don't vote at all.

Maybe you should run for office?

It should be obvious who I support by my posts. I understand that you've always had everything handed to you so figuring it out on your own isn't a strong suit. That's ok. Alot of your generation is that way.

Fact is the GOP blabs about abortion and does nothing to stop it. Just that simple. You don't share your voting record. Why is that?. I've stated time and again I don't vote for either wing of the liberal party (GOP or DEM) on national elections. Some Local I will but I've been burnt recently doing that as well (state level). Usually it's Libertarian for me. I've stated on this board who i voted for each presidential election . It's funny how you 'forget' those posts but can make up stuff like I support welfare.

Flail more.
It should be obvious who I support by my posts. I understand that you've always had everything handed to you so figuring it out on your own isn't a strong suit. That's ok. Alot of your generation is that way.

Fact is the GOP blabs about abortion and does nothing to stop it. Just that simple. You don't share your voting record. Why is that?. I've stated time and again I don't vote for either wing of the liberal party (GOP or DEM) on national elections. Some Local I will but I've been burnt recently doing that as well (state level). Usually it's Libertarian for me. I've stated on this board who i voted for each presidential election . It's funny how you 'forget' those posts but can make up stuff like I support welfare.

Flail more.

Ha. Tell me what I have had "handed" to me. College education? nope. Job(s)? Nope. House? Nope.

So what all have I had handed to me?

Its funny you blindly follow one party yet call others the sheep.

Handed to me huh? Where do you run your cattle?
Ha. Tell me what I have had "handed" to me. College education? nope. Job(s)? Nope. House? Nope.

So what all have I had handed to me?

Its funny you blindly follow one party yet call others the sheep.

Handed to me huh? Where do you run your cattle?

Which party do i blindly follow? if you think I follow ANY party your synapses aren't all firing.

I run my cattle on my land, duh.

Try to figure things out before you look stupider making assumptions.
Which party do i blindly follow? if you think I follow ANY party your synapses aren't all firing.

I run my cattle on my land, duh.

Try to figure things out before you look stupider making assumptions.

Kinda like "I was handed" everything.
Kinda like "I was handed" everything.

Well you want me to give you my voting history AGAIN. You can't deduce that I don't support any party from my posts. I think any person that can think for themselves could arrive at that conclusion.
Why does every thread quit resembling its origin when Veer shows up?
In this case it's because the crocodile tears over abortion started flowing. Someone needs to point out that the GOP does zilch except yap about abortion.

GOP thing I guess.
Abortion is terrible, but it's a legal medical procedure. Unless one of you have a viable solution (either way) why argue about it. It is, and will continue to be legal no matter how much you all complain.
Huh who has done anything about abortion?
The first Paul bill, H.R. 776, was introduced on February 10, 2005, and again referred to the Judiciary committee, which referred it to the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property on April 4, 2005. It had five cosponsors.

On February 15, 2007, Paul reintroduced the Act in the 110th Congress, with four cosponsors; he reintroduced another version with the same name on June 6, 2007, with five cosponsors. The bills, H.R. 1094 and H.R. 2597, were referred to the Judiciary committee. The committee referred the first bill to the Subcommittee on the Constitution on March 19, 2007, and the second bill to the Subcommittee on Courts on July 16, 2007; both bills expired in subcommittee. In 2009, Paul reintroduced another version of the bill H.R. 2533 with one cosponsor.

Ron Paul introduced it again in March 2011, as H.R. 1096, for the 112th Congress (2011-2012).[15]
Well you want me to give you my voting history AGAIN. You can't deduce that I don't support any party from my posts. I think any person that can think for themselves could arrive at that conclusion.

You don't support any party, yet you bitch about the GOP, NON STOP, at least I find bad in both major parties.
You are a lemming.
You don't support any party, yet you bitch about the GOP, NON STOP, at least I find bad in both major parties.
You are a lemming.

Yeah because I know you big crybabies will take the bait. You can always count on you and kenny to jump right on the hook. Miller is gettin smarter. He's moved to deeper waters but he's still just a minnow.

Lemmings indeed.
Yeah because I know you big crybabies will take the bait. You can always count on you and kenny to jump right on the hook. Miller is gettin smarter. He's moved to deeper waters but he's still just a minnow.

Lemmings indeed.

Are you on meth? Honest question.
The first Paul bill, H.R. 776, was introduced on February 10, 2005, and again referred to the Judiciary committee, which referred it to the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property on April 4, 2005. It had five cosponsors.

On February 15, 2007, Paul reintroduced the Act in the 110th Congress, with four cosponsors; he reintroduced another version with the same name on June 6, 2007, with five cosponsors. The bills, H.R. 1094 and H.R. 2597, were referred to the Judiciary committee. The committee referred the first bill to the Subcommittee on the Constitution on March 19, 2007, and the second bill to the Subcommittee on Courts on July 16, 2007; both bills expired in subcommittee. In 2009, Paul reintroduced another version of the bill H.R. 2533 with one cosponsor.

Ron Paul introduced it again in March 2011, as H.R. 1096, for the 112th Congress (2011-2012).[15]

So is he the only one to introduce a anti-abortion bill????
You don't support any party, yet you bitch about the GOP, NON STOP, at least I find bad in both major parties.
You are a lemming.

Ask him what platform Ron Paul ran for President under.
Anybodyotherthanveer: "Burgers are better than Brats"
Veer: "Typical gubbmint drooler, why didn't the GOP support the burger industry 15 years ago."
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President George W. Bush supported and signed the constitutionally questionable "partial-birth" abortion ban and, as Governor of Texas, vowed to put an end to abortion. Immediately after taking office, Bush eliminated U.S. funding to any international family planning organization that provided abortion counseling or services -- even if they did so with private funds.

There was no easily-accessed issue statement about abortion on the 2004 candidate web site. However, in an editorial entitled "The War Against Women" the New York Times wrote:

  • The lengthening string of anti-choice executive orders, regulations, legal briefs, legislative maneuvers, and key appointments emanating from his administration suggests that undermining the reproductive freedom essential to women's health, privacy and equality is a major preoccupation of his administration - second only, perhaps, to the war on terrorism.
So is he the only one to introduce a anti-abortion bill????

He's the one I know about. But he's the bad guy.

It's sad you hate this guy so much. His policy is common sense smart.

You realize grampa bush basically did two things:

1) Laundered money for nazis/funded Hitler
2) Was treasurer of Planned Parenthood

Of course GHW was 'pro-abortion' too...his frequent speeches on the floor of the House earned him the nickname Rubbers.

And Bush left abortion legal. He couldn't do anything right.

The End.
He's the one I know about. But he's the bad guy.

It's sad you hate this guy so much. His policy is common sense smart.

You realize grampa bush basically did two things:

1) Laundered money for nazis/funded Hitler
2) Was treasurer of Planned Parenthood

Of course GHW was 'pro-abortion' too...his frequent speeches on the floor of the House earned him the nickname Rubbers.

And Bush left abortion legal. He couldn't do anything right.

The End.

I hate all politicians. But unfortunately they're a necessary evil. And I just provided you some info in the links. I single old man Paul out because of your boot licking over the last 12 years. The dude had a great thing going. He made the fringe group(see tea party)believe he was really about changing things. He played the system and did it well to be a career politician(yeah the same guy for term limits).

Just face it, Paul was no different than the other GOP members at the time. He ran for President as a Republican for a reason.
I hate all politicians. But unfortunately they're a necessary evil. And I just provided you some info in the links. I single old man Paul out because of your boot licking over the last 12 years. The dude had a great thing going. He made the fringe group(see tea party)believe he was really about changing things. He played the system and did it well to be a career politician(yeah the same guy for term limits).

Just face it, Paul was no different than the other GOP members at the time. He ran for President as a Republican for a reason.

We agree to disagree but at least you admit you hate him due to your fawning over me.
That says a lot about you.

That I hate all politicians?

Or that I like mocking you? Your posts are repetitive every-single-day. Without looking, what do you think the percentage of posts you start on this board that isn't really just a copy and paste from some obscure news sight run by a radical? You're predictable. I make a post that I am against abortion. Instead of adding your opinion you respond with something about Republiberalcans or some other jibberish you post on here non-stop.

You are part of the problem in todays society. You're still ********* about Reagan for crying out loud. Get over it. If you want to fix what you believe Reagan messed up then how about you discuss which politician is doing that. But that is asking too much. Opinions are not your strong suit. You're not a leader. You're a follower.
That I hate all politicians?

Or that I like mocking you? Your posts are repetitive every-single-day. Without looking, what do you think the percentage of posts you start on this board that isn't really just a copy and paste from some obscure news sight run by a radical? You're predictable. I make a post that I am against abortion. Instead of adding your opinion you respond with something about Republiberalcans or some other jibberish you post on here non-stop.

You are part of the problem in todays society. You're still ********* about Reagan for crying out loud. Get over it. If you want to fix what you believe Reagan messed up then how about you discuss which politician is doing that. But that is asking too much. Opinions are not your strong suit. You're not a leader. You're a follower.

I'm repetitive? Silly boy you keep responding.

I'm not at work posting on the internets all day.

Who's the problem with today's society?

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