PBS: The Roosevelts

Bogey Man

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
Ken Burns tells history better than anyone. Fascinating 7 part series running on PBS. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Teddy for preserving our national treasures.
Never been much of a Ken Burns fan, especially after his film on the JFK Assassination, but his Documentary series on the Roosevelts has been really good, and very educational for this old "Bull Moose". One thing I have learned, Teddy Roosevelt would NEVER be considered a Republican by todays standards. The man was the original "Progressive" and very much a Center Right Leader.

I also never knew he had been shot during a Campaign speech. If I did, I had forgotten it. For him to Stand back up, continue on with his speech for another hour with a bullet wedged in his chest about an inch from his heart is, or was AMAZING !!!

I also never knew about FDR's Polio Research and Training facility he owned and established in Georgia. The two people they interviewed who were there as children really put a Stamp on the kind of "behind the Polotics" man FDR was for me.
Still, for all he was.....he would of been NOTHING in the last half of life with out Eleanor choosing to stay with him after his affair became known to her. I knew She was Teddy's brothers daughter, and she had married their distant cousin FDR, but I never knew or understood why such annomosity had cracked the Roosevelt family blood line's so deeply after Teddy died, till I watched this series. Eleanor not only got FDR to the White House, her and her League of Women Voters pretty much got her own cousin Theodore Roosevelt Jr tared, feathered and ran out of Politics.

We Need another Teddy Roosevelt in Office. Hell, another Franlin D Roosevelt wouldnt be a bad thing either.
Sure it was a different age and time, but these two Gentalmen knew how to connect with the Common working man....and WOMEN. And they werent afraid to piss off the Rich and Powerful Corporate big wigs of the day.
We will never have a good man or woman in the oval office because those type of people can't be bought and paid for.
Originally posted by docfever_2:

Never been much of a Ken Burns fan, especially after his film on the JFK Assassination, but his Documentary series on the Roosevelts has been really good, and very educational for this old "Bull Moose". One thing I have learned, Teddy Roosevelt would NEVER be considered a Republican by todays standards. The man was the original "Progressive" and very much a Center Right Leader.

I also never knew he had been shot during a Campaign speech. If I did, I had forgotten it. For him to Stand back up, continue on with his speech for another hour with a bullet wedged in his chest about an inch from his heart is, or was AMAZING !!!

I also never knew about FDR's Polio Research and Training facility he owned and established in Georgia. The two people they interviewed who were there as children really put a Stamp on the kind of "behind the Polotics" man FDR was for me.
Still, for all he was.....he would of been NOTHING in the last half of life with out Eleanor choosing to stay with him after his affair became known to her. I knew She was Teddy's brothers daughter, and she had married their distant cousin FDR, but I never knew or understood why such annomosity had cracked the Roosevelt family blood line's so deeply after Teddy died, till I watched this series. Eleanor not only got FDR to the White House, her and her League of Women Voters pretty much got her own cousin Theodore Roosevelt Jr tared, feathered and ran out of Politics.

We Need another Teddy Roosevelt in Office. Hell, another Franlin D Roosevelt wouldnt be a bad thing either.
Sure it was a different age and time, but these two Gentalmen knew how to connect with the Common working man....and WOMEN. And they werent afraid to piss off the Rich and Powerful Corporate big wigs of the day.
Same can be said for Harry Truman.
Thanks Expect for paying for my TV entertainment - and military, and highways, and bridges, and dams, and parks, and schools. None of it would be possible without your tax dollars and I owe you a great debt of gratitude, as well as Teddy Roosevelt. You are truly a great American.
Dang it Bogey... I don't want my tax dollars going to any of those things. I want it going where it should go. I want it going to pay for the tax credits for Exxon, BP, Shell, and Phillips/Conoco. I want it going to pay for no bid contracts with Halliburton.
Get with the program Bogey.
Looks like a ton of it is going to be going to Iraq and Syria. Nothing like throwing money down a dark hole and your kidding yourself if you think we won't be putting boots on the ground and when this happens and we start losing more American lives in a winless civil war then I will have to say that Obama will be tied with Bush for worst Pres. ever. I can't believe we are going down this road again.
Agree there will be boots on the ground. But afraid this ISIL group of fanatics will attack somewhere soon. If we don't go, be ready for another 9/11. Too many reports of imminent threat, the same as pre 9/11. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
The people fighting in Syria have been fighting for 3 years and many of them are Syrian army defectors. Why do we think we can take then to Saudi Arabia and train them how to fight and send then back to do better? The Saudis have the 4th largest military budget in the world and all they want to do is allow us to train people inside their borders and maybe send up a few planes. Thus should be THEIR war, not ours. ISIS "may" get somebody here to do something someday but they would love to get their hands on a Saudi Prince or two and they're a whole lot closer than we are. Don't you know ISIS would like to make one of their fancy videos showing them in a Saudi palace?
Back to the Roosevelts...

I love learning history and enjoy the way Burns tells the story of the politics, society, and personal insights into the Roosevelts in a way that isn't taught in hsitory classes. I see similarities between the world then and today. Leading up to WWI, the majority of Americans had a noninterventionist and isolationist view of what was happening in Europe. Teddy knew that we would have to eventually deal with Germany and Russia, and his position was unpopular at the time.

Leading up to WWII, we were dealing with the depression, and most Americans had no interest in the unrest in Europe. FDR knew that we couldn't ignore the European unrest, and his position was unpopular. Eventually we had to deal with it.

While I have grown tired of the ongoing military conflicts in the Middle East, and often have an isolationist point of view, I know deep down that we will eventually have to deal with the militants and terrorists who don't appear to have any intentions of ceasing to be a threat to the US. Conflicts continue to break out in one country, then the next, with no end in sight. Our troops go in to dispose on each threat, then we retreat to wait for the next outbreak.

I can't help but believe that we are heading for another inevitable global war. We can't continue to put out one fire after another, only to have to reload in a couple years for the next neverending conflict in the region. Eventually we are going to have to use the full force of our military and our allies military, and the other world powers will have to choose sides.
This post was edited on 9/19 7:00 AM by Bogey Man
Bogey, watching Last nights episode that delt with FDR's first two terms in the White House i got to thinking the very same thing. There are striking similarities going on in not only the World, but here in our own country as well, today as too what was going on in the 30's and early 40's that lead us into WWII.

No matter if you Like PBS or not, this is a Facinating telling of the Rooevelt's story of both public and private life.
Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Agree there will be boots on the ground. But afraid this ISIL group of fanatics will attack somewhere soon. If we don't go, be ready for another 9/11. Too many reports of imminent threat, the same as pre 9/11. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
My biggest fear of putting boots on the ground is that they would execute our troops if they could and send us the video. I couldn't handle seeing that happen.

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