Ozark at Webb

People put for sale signs on JRods lawn his second year when he went 5-5, mind you that was after a 14-0 state championship team. This coach hasn’t earned anything, he’s on the hot seat. When he called the plays before taking over, he called very unWebb things and still does it. Run. The. Ball. What a moron. One can hope he’ll be fired after this year.
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lol. This is getting comical. Ozark picks up a first down on a FAKE PUNT on about 4th and 15. Shockingly gets called back back by a personal foul penalty way behind the play. This is the help Webb needs to try to stay competitive against THIS kind of a team. It’s so sad it’s funny. Woof!
lol. This is getting comical. Ozark picks up a first down on a FAKE PUNT on about 4th and 15. Shockingly gets called back back by a personal foul penalty way behind the play. This is the help Webb needs to try to stay competitive against THIS kind of a team. It’s so sad it’s funny. Woof!
For real the carthage fans could probably write a book of those kinds of things.
Webb blocks a FG attempt and returns it for a TD. 20-14 Ozark.

At this point, I can’t figure out what would be more fitting. Webb figures out a way to “win” or Ozark bleeds the clock with an extended drive to win. Either way, football in Webb is done for the season.
Good lord. If you’re a Webb fan and you just watched THAT “clock management” and think this is what you want, the rest of the COC is on board. Woof!
Pretty sure they had one left. If KNEO was wrong so was the Ozark stream. But hey, this is what Webb wants. 🙄 Woof!
The scoreboard showed they had one and ozark had 2. I couldn’t figure it out either. If that was correct that ending was… something.
I was incorrect in believing in Webb . They suck . Carthage and Republic will beat the hell out of them . They aren't good . I think even full health they weren't that good . Their o line is a joke . If they finish 500 this year then McFarland did a good job. Also neosho is a heavy favorite
I was incorrect in believing in Webb . They suck . Carthage and Republic will beat the hell out of them . They aren't good . I think even full health they weren't that good . Their o line is a joke . If they finish 500 this year then McFarland did a good job. Also neosho is a heavy favorite
After watching that game, if that team gets to .500 (they won’t), it sure as hell won’t be due to coaching. That ship has sailed. Woof!
Kill did what most guys would do. He left at the 1st opportunity for a bigger job. Webb was just super lucky that Rod stayed. Pretty much anyone else would have taken a college job.
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WOOF! (Just to get it back to the top)
lol just trying to offer some distraction, I know there are some pretty broken souls right now. Saying this was a bad loss is generous.

I know there are a few kids on that Webb team whose parents moved from Carthage or elsewhere thinking they would for sure be watching their kid play in the dome or mizzou, cant help but wonder what’s going through their minds now as they are looking down the barrel of the first losing record in 40 years.
Webb got Hurd cleared to play this week and he got in the game for a handful of plays in the 4th qtr. Dunno if Elwell has a chance of making it back or not. They would make a big difference

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