North Missouri movement?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2001
KTTN radio (Trenton) reported this morning that Braymer and Polo have applied for membership in the HDC Conference (doesn't offer football). Reports came from school board meetings at Newtown-Harris and Grundy County R-5. Interesting ...
Polo tried the CLAA. Tuned down, I think for size of school and travel distance. Braymer may not have anywhere else to go. Don't know if the GRC would take them back but you would be a good source for that.
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Polo tied the CLAA. Tuned down, I think for size of school and travel distance. Braymer may not have anywhere else to go. Don't know if the GRC would take them back but you would be a good source for that.
The GRC (not the GRC West) would probably laugh Braymer right out of the room if that request were to be made.
HDC, I would be surprised if they take them. Those are smaller schools.
HDC is likely to take them mainly for survival. Plus where are the other schools going? I don’t think GRC West or GRC will take any of them. Grundy/Newtown could possibly go to Tri-County Conference, but I don’t see a landing spot for the rest of them.

They only have 6 teams playing currently (9 schools with 3 co-ps) in basketball. Baseball can’t even field enough for conference games this season.

Cainsville/Ridgeway - co-op as East Harrison
Gilman City/North Daviess

Grundy/Newtown-Harris/Tri-County have a co-op

Gilman City & North Daviess have co-op with Pattonsburg and will play in GRC West

Ridgeway has co-op with North Harrison and will play in GRC West

Cainsville - No Team
Mercer - No Team
Winston - No Team