KC at the Browns and Chicago vs Buffalo on at noon today. Are you kidding me?
How about a post where you mention something good that’s going on? I guess on Tuesday when the house is blued up it will be better for ya.
Wrong.Because he wasn’t taunting the fans this time.
OK. When opposing teams score at belicheat stadium. They are not allowed to approach the field level stands directly behind the endzone (even when they're running full speed) but must immediately stop drop and roll and hope that their non-taunting will be sufficient to avoid upsetting the respectable patrons in New England.There was a thread awhile back talking about how awful fans of all teams are anymore. Most are drunk and stupid. ALL teams have them. I’m positive the fans were taunting Hill. Like all fans do when someone scores on them and go towards the fans. It’s what happens anymore. This is kinda a silly conversation. Foxbourgh to arrowhead there’s really no difference.
OK. When opposing teams score at belicheat stadium. They are not allowed to approach the field level stands directly behind the endzone (even when they're running full speed) but must immediately stop drop and roll and hope that their non-taunting will be sufficient to avoid upsetting the respectable patrons in New England.
Is there a difference between the Dawg Pound today and the hoodlums last week? I think that is pretty apparent.
I've attended games, taken my kids and now my grandkids to arrowhead for 40+ years. While most aren't "drunk and stupid" the fans at Arrowhead do throw shade at opposing fans (my grandson is getting good at it, he claimed he had osweiler jerseys on sale for half off last week). That's what Chief's fans will do. Arrowhead has the largest tailgate in the NFL. A lot of smartasses!
New England doesn't a parking lot to speak of, St. Louis' tailgate atmosphere was horrid. Denver has a small but fun tailgate, Dallas will cost more to tailgate than a weeks paycheck, New Orleans, well that should stay in New Orleans. My point is at these venues waltzing around in my Chiefs gear didn't endear me to the masses; I enjoyed the smack talk, acknowledged when it was time to move on, and had not one unpleasant experience.
I'll easily buy that the fans in the northeast behave WORSE than the fans in the midwest .... I think you could go into a DINER in the northeast and be a little put off with how people treat one another.
But, I also stated in the last thread that I won't take kids to Arrowhead anymore. Heck, I don't want to take ME there anymore.
That world's largest tailgate sounds cool but it really only guarantees that the only people there sober enough to follow the game would all fit in one restroom.
I expect better from the midwest than what I get at Arrowhead.
I really don't expect anything from the northeast.
There is a good reason why the Cardinals and the Rams both fled the cesspool that is St. Louis.KC at the Browns and Chicago vs Buffalo on at noon today. Are you kidding me?
You're a lip reader too!
"I find people to not be able to comprehend when their own bias is showing."
I really can't translate this into any kind of meaningful statement. I've enjoyed my experiences at Arrowhead (other than the playoff losses) for many years. I am able to comprehend that. That scene in Foxboro was ugly. I am able to comprehend that. Defending their actions by saying everyone else does it, not comprehending.
There is a good reason why the Cardinals and the Rams both fled the cesspool that is St. Louis.
I'll easily buy that the fans in the northeast behave WORSE than the fans in the midwest .... I think you could go into a DINER in the northeast and be a little put off with how people treat one another.
But, I also stated in the last thread that I won't take kids to Arrowhead anymore. Heck, I don't want to take ME there anymore.
That world's largest tailgate sounds cool but it really only guarantees that the only people there sober enough to follow the game would all fit in one restroom.
I expect better from the midwest than what I get at Arrowhead.
I really don't expect anything from the northeast.
I was visiting some relatives in CT a few years ago. They use the 'Masshole' term for jerk drivers with MA plates, which there are a lot of in that area. We went into a gas station and while waiting in line, this guy walks in the front door and yells "Ey, whos piece of $h** cah is dat? (pointing at my friends new jeep). To my surprise, my friend who is ordinarily pretty mild mannered fires back "It's mine @**hole you gotta problem wid it?". The guy responds "Yeh your blocking de whole g0dd@** driveway you gonna move it?" to which my friend says "I'll f***ing move it when I'm f***ing done in here" I thought we were about to get pounded but the guy just went on with his business like nothing had happened.That's why there are a large amount of people from the Commonwealth that like to refer to themselves as "Massholes".
You sound like those dbag LA posters who still frequent stltoday's message boards. The Cards had a legit reason as the city wouldn't build a new stadium. As for the Rams, the move was nothing but a cash grab for Kroenke.There is a good reason why the Cardinals and the Rams both fled the cesspool that is St. Louis.
That’s just a lazy comment. The Cardinals left because the city wouldn’t provide a stadium solely for the team. The support for the Rams was great until Kronke intentionally tanked after purchasing the land in LA. And even then, fans still showed up. I have no problem with a business man wanting to improve his business. But the way Kronke and the other NFL owners and league allowed him to go about it borders on criminal. I hope the civil suit produces all of the records and communications involving the move.There is a good reason why the Cardinals and the Rams both fled the cesspool that is St. Louis.