Never stop, Rick Perry

I'll remember this when Biden starts releasing the gems....
The former Texas governor erred again when discussing those issues Thursday. Perry denied Donald Trump’s claim that he was about to end his White House run with a bizarre quote.

"A broken clock is right once a day," Perry told Fox News, in an odd and incorrect use of the cliché.

You cannot make this up
Was it a digital clock? Then it could be correct just once a day.
There is a long history of these people. George Bush, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin are three that come to mind.
Joe Biden got excited when he heard they were going to Alaska for the global warming tour. He had always heard about the delicacy up there known as an eskimo pie and couldn't wait to try one.

Bad joke but many people ask if that is serious. The fact they would think it could be true of Joe says volumes.
Joe Biden got excited when he heard they were going to Alaska for the global warming tour. He had always heard about the delicacy up there known as an eskimo pie and couldn't wait to try one.

Bad joke but many people ask if that is serious. The fact they would think it could be true of Joe says volumes.
It says more about the type of people you spend time with, than it does about Biden.

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