Nevada beat Buffalo 84-0


Active Member
Jul 19, 2005
Every match was a pin, with a couple open weights going to Nevada. The last match of the night went into the third period, with Drew Shepeard at 119 ,winning by pin. It was a great match for Nevada and their young program. Congrats to Coach Huck and the Tigers. By the way is that possibly a state record, could someone check?
Too bad Bintliff left Buffalo, the score would have been 78-6. Beat someone like Clinton, McCounty or Carthage 84-0...that might impress someone.
Lets see how that fare against the likes of Odessa, Platte County and yes Clinton. Nevada has a good team no doubt (ranked #5 in Class 2) but there is still lots of wrestling to do before making a target on your backside.

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