MSHSAA Championship History


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
Does anyone have a link to the history of state champions and district winners by school for girls and boys basketball?
I was looking for the information like they put in the back of the program, or at least used to, at the Final Four, I was looking for all the info, which shows champions plus a list of all schools that have been in state playoffs. I found a pdf of the boys through 2010.
I was looking for the information like they put in the back of the program, or at least used to, at the Final Four, I was looking for all the info, which shows champions plus a list of all schools that have been in state playoffs. I found a pdf of the boys through 2010.
Idk about that one. Dunno if I've ever seen that online.
Does anyone have a link to the history of state champions and district winners by school for girls and boys basketball?

Go to Wikipedia and type in Missouri state high school activities association on a search. There you will find links to all the champions that you found in the program.
Just get a program from last year. It tells you each schools information. It tells you how many districts or regionals they have won under the heading of playoff history. I have not been to the state tourney for several years but for so I do not have a current program but it will tell you many times a school has been in the state tourney. For example, the last program I have was 2012,Troy had won 21 districts/regionals were 27 and 27, were 0,1,1,6 in the final four.

Does anyone have a link to the history of state champions and district winners by school for girls and boys basketball?

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