More Jackson v Battle issues

I would agree that if this thing is fully investigated and it is proven that Battle lied about the whole thing, then absolutely there should be ramifications for that. I simply do not feel that the media really should share the same burden if that is ultimately the case. It seems clear to me that they tried to get answers from both sides.

On two separate occasions I have been contacted by a reporter about some indecent that has happened with a program which I was part of. I have always been honest when dealing with them and told our side the best I could and the knowledge I had. On both occasions that reporter reached out to many people did their research and decided at that time the facts did not warrant a story... "unless" those calming the allegations wanted to go on the record and be quoted. They always told me they would tell me when something changed so if needed I could also go on the record if I wanted.

Sometimes just because somebody is smoking does not mean there is a fire to report at that time. Reporters and journalist need to keep that in mind before they go to print or air with a story making sure that they have the facts right. Reputations are at stake and even in this case both towns coaches and administrations reputation are at stake, and once tarnished it is hard to repair. Had this story been thoroughly investigated they would have been better to just sit on this.
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With veerman if a few people are bad at their jobs he paints them all with a wide brush so all journalists suck now. Except his Fox News.
Merely a case of sour ass grapes. Don’t taunt a team that can whip the shit out of you. Don’t piss on the walls of the locker room and don’t rip and dent locker doors then blame it on the home team. There’s video evidence of who entered and exited the Battle locker room. Jackson offered to show Battle the video surveillance of who entered the locker room and exited which was locked the entire night. Battle walked away from the situation and wants no part of the video surveillance. Fake news from disgruntled parents of a spoiled child, reported by fake media.
With veerman if a few people are bad at their jobs he paints them all with a wide brush so all journalists suck now. Except his Fox News.
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Now I’m really rooting for Jackson
Hoping there’s a playoff Jackson.
I would pay double to see that myself, but what are the chances Battle will get past FZN to win the district championship? C’mon, Battle, beat FZN.

However, a rematch would most likely occur in Columbia.
Hope this didn't actually happen. Then again I hope it did so battle isn't just slinging mud after getting whipped . Either way ...I'm mad about this . Racists can't be tolerated ...but people that make up claims are just as bad or worse . You know what makes me mad ? Rape. You know what makes me more mad ? False rape aligations . Bottom line is ...I hope this gets sorted out and if it's true then I hope someone takes action . If it's false ....I hope someone takes action
Correct. False claims HURT those with real ones because, once there are too many of them, people tune the accuser(s) out. That R-word, for instance, is one I virtually tune out because some folks have taken it waaaaaaay too far basically implicating anyone not of the right origin/skin color is one. AS for this specific claim count me out.............I wasn't there so have no idea what really happened.
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I would pay double to see that myself, but what are the chances Battle will get past FZN to win the district championship? C’mon, Battle, beat FZN.

However, a rematch would most likely occur in Columbia.

At least the locker rooms would not be in danger!
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Now I’m really rooting for Jackson
Hoping there’s a playoff Jackson.
For that to happen it would have to be in the Class 5 title game. Battle and FZ North are all but assured to play for the District 4 title BUT the winner likely gets Chaminade in the quarterfinal then Carthage in the semi. Jackson's road to the title game likely goes through the KC metro winner, something that looks a lot less formidable than it did just a few weeks ago.
You have to provide that info to the media though. If you decline comment or don't tell your side of the story then you are not going to do yourself any favors. I honestly think that Link didn't want to throw Battle under the bus initially and that is why he held back on the security video info.

Then the story really blew up yesterday and he finally decided to tell their side to a local media outlet. That's fine but you cannot blame other media outlets for not reporting the Jackson side of the story if you either don't tell them or decline comment.

As an aside, John Link was the head basketball coach in my hometown in the early 90s so I am familiar with him and think that he is a good guy. I am not trying to say anything negative about him. But his refusal to tell his side of things from the beginning is why the story was reported as it was.
Or maybe John was trying to gather all the information and interviews and get the whole story straight (which takes time) before he said anything about the situation.
I find it ridiculous the orginal story that started all of this on ABC in Columbia only source was parents and not the schools on Saturday. Reporter should of got comment from both schools before putting on air.
In local TV parlance it's called "rip and read." It comes from the old radio days when guys would just read whatever came across the AP wire. Today, it especially applies to young TV reporters faced with a deadline so they skip the backgrounding to get the scoop in on time. Most of these reporters don't last long in the business.
Here's an example of what can happen:
In local TV parlance it's called "rip and read." It comes from the old radio days when guys would just read whatever came across the AP wire. Today, it especially applies to young TV reporters faced with a deadline so they skip the backgrounding to get the scoop in on time. Most of these reporters don't last long in the business.
Here's an example of what can happen:

Let’s be real. That News clip was one of the greatest moments of my sad life. .
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I would pay double to see that myself, but what are the chances Battle will get past FZN to win the district championship? C’mon, Battle, beat FZN.

However, a rematch would most likely occur in Columbia.
FZN should beat Battle. Have seen both teams on film and the Panthers have a superior offensive/defensive line and great run game with several weapons.

The reporter that created this story should be fired.
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Now I’m really rooting for Jackson
Hoping there’s a playoff Jackson.
After watching the game, I really don't think that Battle will get out of their district. Besides Jackson should be happy with the 56-12 win. They don't need revenge.
After watching the game, I really don't think that Battle will get out of their district. Besides Jackson should be happy with the 56-12 win. They don't need revenge.
I think the point being made was that a hoped-for rematch would be welcomed by Jackson fans, not for revenge, but because it would be in the championship game, where the Indians would be big favorites.
If a reporter wanted to get the whole story they would contact other schools battle plays and see how locker rooms are left by them. It probably wouldn’t go well for battle if they did.

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