The open carry stuff does more harm than good. It's one thing to see a holstered pistol, it's another to see a video game playing overweight slob with rifle slinged over his shoulder.Check out @CanProveIt's Tweet:
The open carry stuff does more harm than good. It's one thing to see a holstered pistol, it's another to see a video game playing overweight slob with rifle slinged over his shoulder.Check out @CanProveIt's Tweet:
Except it's actually true in a lot of cases. Can you name a single republican presidential candidate who has proposed their replacement for obamacare?
. Just because you don't agree with the solution doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
There is no answer to that question
Where is the push from the NRA and republicans to allocate more funding for mental health?Was this guy an NRA member? Did he buy these guns illegally?
Nobody has provided an answer as to how this could have been prevented.
Mental health is the major issue. Not the NRA.
Where is the push from the NRA and republicans to allocate more funding for mental health?
Clinton and Sanders haven't put out full policy positions but they've outlined more than the avg R candidate has.Doesn't that go both ways?
Republicans have by far been more obstructionist the last 8 years, than the Democrats ever have.Clinton and Sanders haven't put out full policy positions but they've outlined more than the avg R candidate has.
Good guys with guns hasn't worked? Were they armed?They should be if they want to prevent these tragedies. If they want less restrictions on guns, then they need to come up with a different solution, besides good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. Obviously that has not worked. Neither has our current set of laws. So we need to look at making a change. Mandatory reporting of workplace threats to a national database, might be a place to start. Mandatory counseling of anyone fired for workplace violence issues might be another. National registry and closing loopholes on many gun shows, and flea market sales are other issues.
Both parties are in the process of getting worse, thoughRepublicans have by far been more obstructionist the last 8 years, than the Democrats ever have.
That seems to be working in Detroit.So you think good guys with guns, means everyone has to have one.