Montana made late changes to their voting procedures to deal with the pandemic. Included among them was mail in voting.
North Carolina made late changes also. They even allowed mail in votes that arrived up to NINE DAYS after Election Day to be counted.
Yet, no law suits by Trump and Rudy. No questioning or hissy fitting over those states.
Why? The cult can’t defend anything Trump has done. But Trump and his minions keep saying the same lie over and over and the cult gobbles it up like a porn star.
North Carolina made late changes also. They even allowed mail in votes that arrived up to NINE DAYS after Election Day to be counted.
Yet, no law suits by Trump and Rudy. No questioning or hissy fitting over those states.
Why? The cult can’t defend anything Trump has done. But Trump and his minions keep saying the same lie over and over and the cult gobbles it up like a porn star.