You're a high school girls JV soccer coach, yet he's the idiot.
Why don’t you start your own thread about all these topics instead of continuing to attach to mine? I read none of your responses. It would be a noble gesture on your part, if you would simply leave me alone and let me converse with those I prefer to hear from.
I will not comment on you or anyone else I ignore if you will use your own threads and stop stalking me.
Nothing you have to say interests me. If you like you can copy my posts and start your own thread and have at it.
For everyone else
He knows the facts and statistics about Covid19, and is in charge of running a football team. He's trying to do his job.For everyone else
It started back in April when ole mullet head decided to ignore the NCAA and wanted to bring back his players to campus May 1, despite classes not even being held because they needed to “ run money through the state of Oklahoma”. The AD immediately had to make a press release about player safety and the university sticking to NCAA guidelines. Gundy really cares about his players. Jk
“In my opinion, we need to bring our players back. They are 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22-years old and they are healthy and they have the ability to fight this virus off. If that is true, then we sequester them, and continue because we need to run money through the state of Oklahoma.”
Really? he still uses the N-Word every day?
College players finding out who their coaches really are? Eww, raaacistss. Duck=idiotBahahahahahaha