McCarthy drops out , So much for Republican Establishments pic

Extremism is in the eyes of the beholder.

Your middle of the road common folk is my liberal nut...

Debbie Wasserman Shultz
for example...
You think she is middle of the road? I'll bet she would think many of my beliefs are far right!
Translation ;

The US Government will choose for you, the tax payer which energy source you will use.

US consumer ;
But I'm happy with my $2.09 a gal gas.
This is much cheaper than renewable energy your selling.

US Government ;
Not after we get through over taxing oil companies so our nonviable product becomes viable.

US consumer ;
So renewable energy really is just a pipe dream that "you", the liberal media and it's followers have chose for US ?

US Government ;
Yes it is...

Is this a side effect of a prescription drug?
Did you hit your head?
Are you on vacation in Colorado?
There is no way you are sober.
Is this a side effect of a prescription drug?
Did you hit your head?
Are you on vacation in Colorado?
There is no way you are sober.

There may be something to your claim. Just got off the Amtrak direct from Colorado Springs.
Being in an enclosed space for 22 hrs with a bunch of Flower Children grandkids...
Well you catch my drift. ; (

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