You can't compare the online activity of a couple of a couple of hundred loosely affiliated people with no central organization and limited funds to Let's say BLM.... who has near a hundred Million in monetary backing and Millions of Foot soldiers who have been doing their biding for almost a year now. Gotta give them credit though they have low overhead only spent around 8 million in operating expenses.
NEW YORK (AP) — The foundation widely seen as a steward of the Black Lives Matter movement says it took in just over $90 million last year, according to a financial snapshot shared exclusively with The Associated Press.
I mean let's be real if this Organization had the thousands of ex-vets and LEO at their disposal that is claimed.... with them being well armed and trained would the storming of the capital of been so hap hazard, full of confusion, and without purpose. People not hiding their identity, videoing and posting what is going on and trying to loot gov. trinkets?
I'm not saying that some nut jobs where not communicating via online communication but what ever they are doing is laughable and 100% ineffective and destined to fail at every turn. Hand signals and a supposed pipe bomb that didn't even go know all these former LEO military people incapable of building a simple pipe bomb and not capable of using basic breach and sweep tactics either to secure and control the capital to stop the electoral process.
Come on compare that to BLM/Antifa well funded, laying siege to federal property for weeks....burning Police Stations, Killing Civilians and LEO as well. They even strong armed whole municipalities into letting them control area's of a City Chaz/Chad and even changed the way police engage dangerous and criminal behavior because of the fear they instilled in the elected community leaders. Got millions of idiot foot soldiers believing the dogma and you can blackmail those in power.
And then compare that to this
Sure those people are breaking the law, misguided, pizzed off/mad has heck disenfranchised and look foolish as all get out.... but they are anything but well organized and there with a legit over throw the gov.
I mean If BLM/Antifa had stormed the Capital it would of been much more effective and I could easily see them taking control of the location for a extended time period. I give them credit they are way better funded have way more supporters and have a legit organization who's leaders have stated goals and actual plan that has toppled democracy's in the past. Venezuela, Cuba, etc.
I never gave much credit or credence to protesting and such....I always felt that it was ineffective, a cathartic release of emotion and frustration that made all involved look like see the Capital rioters classic emotional protestors/rioters who accomplished nothing but felt like they had.....But in doing a little research it became clear that I was wrong that the Marxist/Leftist power heads have used Protesting and riots that are well coordinated to their advantage from the onset.
And Yes Most people who have a nice lifestyle and feel vested have zero reason to protest or riot.....that is unless you drink the flavor-aid that the System is systemically racist and oppressive based on propaganda and lies. The system that elects black presidents, black congressmen, has had black Attorney Generals, elects the Squad self proclaimed leftist......the system where the richest women in America is black. The system that has black LEO officers, the system that has laws making racism illegal and punishable.
But that doesn't matter as long as you believe that it's racist and evil and needs to be toppled.....same as those who believe that the election was stolen different sides of the same coin. But the Biggest difference is that one side has Millions of followers with Millions of Dollars and a legit Plan the other side is a bunch of knuckle heads screaming Trump Got cheated and then posting about the gov. can then find them and convict them.....
I mean the only way to get the working and and middle class on board with division is to alienate and demonize the other political side as racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic and less than human. Of course in response the other side feels threatened, disenfranchised and ultimately distrustful. That culminates into irrational behavior. This works in the favor of those who want to fundamentally change the system.
As far as Gen-X's go I think as I stated our biggest failure is our kids...we raised them to be entitled and spoiled... My daughter told me one of her College Prof. said that Gen-Xs and Millennials/GenZ had a hard time coexisting in work because GenX didn't like all the BS questioning, complaining and entitlement. GenX's where just shut up and Grind it out....the opposite of the younger generation.
She agreed and I agreed that was correct(yes small sample size) and that was part of our conflict. Cause My Ex-Wife always made excuses and helicopter parented her going to the school to smooth or manipulate everything I was who cares small potatoes just work through it of course I lost every time ...most of the wives of my friends who are teachers also admit they have spoiled and entitled all their children as well and created problems.