well I decided to do some more research and found out why our forum is most likely targeted. This type of forums which is developed by Xenforo has seen loopholes in their code to allow new accounts to be created on the fly through scripts and bots. Which we all know well. But there was a patch and add on released by the organization that many Xenforo owners have installed in their forums to lock down passwords, ips, provide advanced captiva which will stop the biggest spammers from getting in through such a quick means through scripts. I don't think that solution has been established on this forums and with that the loophole is alive and well on this forum and the spammers found ours and doing what ever they so please.
We have to gain access to admin to do so or we are not going to get anywhere especially since Rivals wont give the time of day even though some users pay for the forums.
I am looking for possible backenXenforo be d ways but that is a stretch and probably wont work. We need an admin. We need one bad.