Oak ParkHolt is an elite HC............remember where he came to Lathrop from.
Oak ParkHolt is an elite HC............remember where he came to Lathrop from.
You are the second responder who has missed the sarcasmLathrop beat us twice, by a lot. They didn't run the score up either time, they were just better.
The 'once in a lifetime class' graduated last year. This group wasn't expected to do nearly what they did. They had to totally reload do to graduation, and they did.
Lathrop has a very good head coach, a very good staff and hard working kids. I agree with top, that as long as that combination stays in place, Lathrop will be a tough out year in and year out.
By way of Maryville. That OP situation is a subject best visited by our NKCSD expert HomeyR..............Oak Park