You just don't like her because she is black! Any attemp to say otherwise is proven wrong by your hatred of this fine black woman. Grow up, this isn't the sixties. Your stereotype actions are shamefull and I for one can't sit by and let your racist behavior go by without notice!Originally posted by runyouover:
Ms. Rice stood by and allowed Cheney and company to plunge this country she loves so much into a trillion dollar war, destroyed American lives, and then spent years trying to justify it.
Americans are a forgiving people, but when history is written this national
nightmare is not going away. The fact that you continue to act like nothing
was wrong with what we did shows your lack of intelligence and credibility.
Rice may be a pleasant, educated person but she is a national embarrassment.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
The economy grew at rate of 5 percent last quarter. I believe they said that hasn't happened since 2000, which was before 9/11 and LONG before the crash of 08 that crippled our economy for years. More jobs were created last month than any month since 2008 and you guys cant find anything good about this country right now? Compared to when???? The reason wages are stagnant is because those "job creators" you guys always talk about refuse to pay more even though productivity is higher and many of them are making record profits every quarter. Oil and gas prices are lower than they've been in years and I don't care why or who should get credit for it BTW that pipeline you want so bad will create less than 40 permanent jobs and we'll very likely NOT keep one drop of that oil here... unless it's the stuff that leaks out of the pipeline someday and we'll have hard time getting rid of that. If you can't find anything good going here I don't know where you would go to find it.
First, I said demand had not risen. It has fallen though. World wide the economy is failing. World wide demand has fallen and supply has risen.Originally posted by 3Rfan:
I don't know where demand has decreased. It sure hasn't anywhere I've been and when you see a news clip from any country anywhere there are cars and trucks clogging the roads. Trucks, trains and planes are carrying people and goods at a very high rate. Just where is this decrease in demand for gas and diesel? As I said I don't care why it's lower or who gets the credit for it. I'm just glad it is because that's good for my bank account and good for the economy overall. It's not very often we get to have a drop like this without OPEC cutting production to make oil jump back up to a hundred dollars a barrel. It doesn't seem to matter that there is all kinds of turmoil in the Middle East, something that has historically caused oil to rise and the stock market to fall, but not now. The people that are driving stock prices up don't care because they mostly make money off of their money and to hell with what goes on around them.
This.Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.Originally posted by millerbleach:
This.Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.
Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.Originally posted by millerbleach:
This.Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.
Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Oh no you didn't.Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.Originally posted by millerbleach:
This.Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.
Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Love it.Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.Originally posted by millerbleach:
This.Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.
Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
The petty name calling of the far left.Originally posted by runyouover:
No. He is retarded. The dude has never won a debate on this board.
Then he says something silly and calls people a democrat and acts
like he was victorious. When rumor humiliates him with facts and logic
he acts like he is rumor intellectual equal, which is a joke. So it makes more
sense to tell the truth about him.
This is a 60 year old, uneducated bumpkin who makes the duck
dynasty and Paula dean people look sophisticated.