Liberal non-news

Scout 4u

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
MSNBC will be having a live update from Hawaii ...
President Obama and his entourage are on vacation.

What part of this is journalism?

This post was edited on 12/29 1:33 PM by Scout 4u

Breaking news: scout doesn't know where Obama grew up.

Why no talk about how obamacare and regulations are killing the economy?
It just kills you that a black man will go down as a successful president
when this is all over, doesn't it scout.

Funny how things turn out. You vote for people who get us
into trillions dollar wars and wreck the economy. We vote for
people who fix your messes. Its that simple dumb A.

Successful president ?

This administration has been a miserable failure in just about all aspects. The country is in shambles, race riots, cop killings, propped up economy, Iran, North Korea, China, Russia all thumbing their nose at us. Veteran and IRS scandals, etc.

And you point to a very unpopular and failing Obamacare as your proof ?

You appear to be very optimistic

Everyone said this same crap about Clinton and Bush I.
You and your people hated clinton. Hell without clinton
there would be no rush Limbaugh. Yet when history is written
Bush I and Clinton will be heroes because they didn't get us stuck
in bancrupting wars. Only your boy George did. In the long run people
will look back on Obama as the "good ole days". You and the folks who
vote your way are ignorant, uneducated dipsticks who just kill
our country. You are really to blame.

Most of the things you list about China, etc are utter uneducated
nonsense. And Russia??? that shows your ignorance.

Runny your a life long Democrat, nothing I will say or do will change that. Unlike yourself I am able to see more than just Black or White, Republican, Democrat in a conversation. Condoleezza Rice for example is a person of color, speaks 5 languages, taught at Stanford University, expert on Russian Warfare, Concert Pianist, supporter of Israel, represented "our" country at the highest level, a true American in every way.
I would love to have her as my daughter's professor or my Madam President. Her only flaw is that she's to nice to put people like yourself in their place...I'm not....

Yes we're Conservative and proud of it. Barack Obama is a die hard far Left Liberal who supports the Democrat Party, that's why we don't like him, no other reason.

Think twice before you put another worthless post like the one above on this site unless you want called out again.
Good day...

Scout if you really believe that people don't dislike Obama because of the color of his skin you better take off your blinders and join the real world.

Liberals obsession with race says more about them than it does about US.
Did you not read anything above?

I'm through defending the countless race charges thrown out here daily against Conservatives, believe what you want.
We have nothing to apologize for...

I want to respond to many different things in this thread,and I don't want to make several posts so I am going to do it here. First, why would anyone have an issue with any President being on vacation between Christmas and New Years. He went where he grew up and spent holidays. So did I. Anyone have a problem with me doing that?
Second there are many race issues in this country. It is definitely not a conservative issue. There are many liberal Democrat voters who refused to vote for the colored person. I am embarrassed by them. There are a higher percentage of conservatives who take issue with that. If you don't believe that see what happens if Rice were to get a Republican nomination.
Third, ag if you truly cannot see any positives then I am not sure what to say. We spent the 90's talking about oral sex and not inhaling. We spent the 00's with red and orange terror alerts when an important election was coming so we could scare the tar out of people. Ag, I think you are a good person, as is Scout, but if you can't find anything positive you need to take some time away from politics and especially this board and all of the negativity, because things are not as negative as it may seem.

The economy grew at rate of 5 percent last quarter. I believe they said that hasn't happened since 2000, which was before 9/11 and LONG before the crash of 08 that crippled our economy for years. More jobs were created last month than any month since 2008 and you guys cant find anything good about this country right now? Compared to when???? The reason wages are stagnant is because those "job creators" you guys always talk about refuse to pay more even though productivity is higher and many of them are making record profits every quarter. Oil and gas prices are lower than they've been in years and I don't care why or who should get credit for it BTW that pipeline you want so bad will create less than 40 permanent jobs and we'll very likely NOT keep one drop of that oil here... unless it's the stuff that leaks out of the pipeline someday and we'll have hard time getting rid of that. If you can't find anything good going here I don't know where you would go to find it.

Ms. Rice stood by and allowed Cheney and company to plunge this country she loves so much into a trillion dollar war, destroyed American lives, and then spent years trying to justify it.
Americans are a forgiving people, but when history is written this national
nightmare is not going away. The fact that you continue to act like nothing
was wrong with what we did shows your lack of intelligence and credibility.
Rice may be a pleasant, educated person but she is a national embarrassment.

To even compare anything Obama has done to that tragic debacle shows your hatred.
To make a huge deal of Benghazi and let Iraq slide is like arresting a
jaywalker and letting a serial killer go free.

Expect one of the problems with social media is it's lack of lucidity. The title of the post was "BREAKING NEWS"...

It was suppose to be about MSNBC promotion of the liberal agenda and how mainstream media outlets no longer promote true journalism.
Once again people only read into a post what they want to believe....
Yes FOX NEWS does it as well.

This post was edited on 12/27 2:36 PM by Scout 4u

Originally posted by runyouover:
Ms. Rice stood by and allowed Cheney and company to plunge this country she loves so much into a trillion dollar war, destroyed American lives, and then spent years trying to justify it.
Americans are a forgiving people, but when history is written this national
nightmare is not going away. The fact that you continue to act like nothing
was wrong with what we did shows your lack of intelligence and credibility.
Rice may be a pleasant, educated person but she is a national embarrassment.
You just don't like her because she is black! Any attemp to say otherwise is proven wrong by your hatred of this fine black woman. Grow up, this isn't the sixties. Your stereotype actions are shamefull and I for one can't sit by and let your racist behavior go by without notice!

Originally posted by 3Rfan:
The economy grew at rate of 5 percent last quarter. I believe they said that hasn't happened since 2000, which was before 9/11 and LONG before the crash of 08 that crippled our economy for years. More jobs were created last month than any month since 2008 and you guys cant find anything good about this country right now? Compared to when???? The reason wages are stagnant is because those "job creators" you guys always talk about refuse to pay more even though productivity is higher and many of them are making record profits every quarter. Oil and gas prices are lower than they've been in years and I don't care why or who should get credit for it BTW that pipeline you want so bad will create less than 40 permanent jobs and we'll very likely NOT keep one drop of that oil here... unless it's the stuff that leaks out of the pipeline someday and we'll have hard time getting rid of that. If you can't find anything good going here I don't know where you would go to find it.

The economy is growing because of low interest rates caused by the fed buying our own debt. If you think that is a good plan.......

Wages are stagnant because the demand for jobs is low. The unemployed (those who don't have jobs as opposed to those reported in the unemployment rate) are not motivated to work because of all the perks associated with not having a job. As you stated, there have been many jobs created by those hated job creators yet we continue to subsidise laziness.

Oil prices are low and you don't care why because you don't like the reason. The supply has risen (in larege part because of increased US production) and demand has not increased. Supply and demand driving the price lower! You have argued repeatedly against that happening. The pipeline will make supply movement easier and further increase worldwide supply. It matters not whether it remains in the US as long as it makes it cheaper to transport.

Miller I really don't think these libs are as dumb in person as they come across online.

Yes it's fun to toy with them from time to time...

"NO COMPROMISE!".."R2D2"..."there/their"..."Green Alien"..."USvsTHEM"..."Alpha Centauri"...
"TRUE CONSERVATIVE"..."FOX NEWS"..."Dems (VS) Pubs"...

but we like them anyway...

I don't know where demand has decreased. It sure hasn't anywhere I've been and when you see a news clip from any country anywhere there are cars and trucks clogging the roads. Trucks, trains and planes are carrying people and goods at a very high rate. Just where is this decrease in demand for gas and diesel? As I said I don't care why it's lower or who gets the credit for it. I'm just glad it is because that's good for my bank account and good for the economy overall. It's not very often we get to have a drop like this without OPEC cutting production to make oil jump back up to a hundred dollars a barrel. It doesn't seem to matter that there is all kinds of turmoil in the Middle East, something that has historically caused oil to rise and the stock market to fall, but not now. The people that are driving stock prices up don't care because they mostly make money off of their money and to hell with what goes on around them.

With all due respect, I don't think I was being overly negative.

I correctly mentioned just a few of the problems with this administration, runuover responds with personal attacks questioning my intelligence. This kinda tells us what we need to know about his argument.

I will agree there are some good signs " cheaper gas, employment rate" but on the whole, this country is headed in the wrong direction. With Obama's approval rating in the 30's, it appears I'm not the only one that doesn't have my "Obama beer goggles on ".

The President's approval rating is in the 40's, not good, but not the 30's.

Just a disclaimer ...
Most liberals are great people who try to see all sides of an issue without personally attacking those they disagree. Expect, you and a few others on this site have been very fair with me. I am not without flaws myself and hope to be more respectful of others in the future. Painting "all" people with one brush is wrong and I apologize to those of you who were unfairly singled out with my post above.

As for things being better today than they were 6 years ago...yes they are.
Our president...Barack Obama...had to have some part of that.

Originally posted by 3Rfan:
I don't know where demand has decreased. It sure hasn't anywhere I've been and when you see a news clip from any country anywhere there are cars and trucks clogging the roads. Trucks, trains and planes are carrying people and goods at a very high rate. Just where is this decrease in demand for gas and diesel? As I said I don't care why it's lower or who gets the credit for it. I'm just glad it is because that's good for my bank account and good for the economy overall. It's not very often we get to have a drop like this without OPEC cutting production to make oil jump back up to a hundred dollars a barrel. It doesn't seem to matter that there is all kinds of turmoil in the Middle East, something that has historically caused oil to rise and the stock market to fall, but not now. The people that are driving stock prices up don't care because they mostly make money off of their money and to hell with what goes on around them.
First, I said demand had not risen. It has fallen though. World wide the economy is failing. World wide demand has fallen and supply has risen.
When the Suez canal or the Straits of Hormuz are threatened, that impacts oil prices. When an oil producing country has its production lines threatened it affects prices. When there is a large surplus as there is now, those effects are greatly reduced.
Stock prices rise when there is money to be made owning that stock. Near zero interest rates means there is money to be made. Every time the fed tightens (or mentions it) stocks retreat hard. Then, the fed relaxes that stance and the party kicks it into high gear again. If anyone says the market (and economy) aren't being propped up by fed purchacing of debt, they obviously aren't paying attention every time the fed attempts to cut back.

No. He is retarded. The dude has never won a debate on this board.
Then he says something silly and calls people a democrat and acts
like he was victorious. When rumor humiliates him with facts and logic
he acts like he is rumor intellectual equal, which is a joke. So it makes more
sense to tell the truth about him.

This is a 60 year old, uneducated bumpkin who makes the duck
dynasty and Paula dean people look sophisticated.

We all know this a pretty evenly divided country politically speaking. There is not much chance Obama will get over 50% no matter what happens and it will be much the same if a republican gets elected in 2016. What's funny is his approval rating has gone UP since he took the executive actions that republicans said the country said they didn't want when they voted in November. There seems to be many that wanted him to do it sooner so now they're happier with him and many that the polls say don't like Obamacare it's because they don't think it went far enough. I don't agree with everything he does but there is NO legitimate argument that the economy is not a LOT better than it was in the first few years after the crash of 08. That was pretty deep hole to dig out of.

This post was edited on 12/27 10:35 PM by 3Rfan

You know nothing about economics. And when you try to be funny, no one ever says LoL or puts a smiley face because you use middle school humor at best. You and Scout must not be able to read above a 4th grade level.

I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls. People feel like they are doing better so they feel better about the economy and the president.

It goes to show you what people really care about - for all the complaining about immigration or whatever people mostly care about their personal circumstances. If you got a 5 percent raise last year you're materially more likely to vote for the party of the president than if you were laid off.

Originally posted by runyouover:
You know nothing about economics. And when you try to be funny, no one ever says LoL or puts a smiley face because you use middle school humor at best. You and Scout must not be able to read above a 4th grade level.

Racism, hatred and name calling are all this guy knows!

Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.

Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.

Miller the nasty tar sands oil from Canada IS getting to market, it's going by rail. I kinda like it that way.
That and the oil from SD is good for RR business, taking up any slack in the coal hauling business, if there is any. Coal is still being exported so I assume the RR's are still hauling it to the ports to be shipped over seas.

Miller doesn't know how any industry works or anything about economics
he just types brilliant comebacks like drill baby drill which makes no sense.

Originally posted by millerbleach:
Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.

Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.

Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:

Originally posted by millerbleach:

Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.

Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.

Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:
Originally posted by millerbleach:
Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.

Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.
Oh no you didn't.

3R you should look at demand for oil before making that comment. Notably, weakness in China is really hurting demand growth.

The IEA has cut its estimate of short term oil demand growth five times in the last six months. The oil price decline is more than a supply story - the expected demand growth isn't there to soak up the new supply.

To see demand estimates being cut when the price of oil is down over 40% is a sign of real weakness. Price declines should be stimulating demand growth.

Well I don't live in China and I don't even know what the IEA is so I'll take your word for it. If you ever see a news report from China the roads are clogged with motorcycles, cars and trucks. I guess they always find the busiest looking areas to report from. I don't see how demand could be too much lower when record numbers of people are flying and driving and businesses are shipping goods all over this country and the world at a pretty high rate.

Apparently Poplar Bluff is the only place where home and apartment construction is booming. Contractors here can't build them fast enough. The houses and apartments being built are sold or rented before they're completed in most cases and existing houses are selling pretty good these days too. I'll just stay in my little corner of the state and enjoy the price of gas falling everyday, we all know it ain't gonna last too long like this.

Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:

Originally posted by millerbleach:

Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
I believe cheaper gas is the #1 thing helping obamas polls.

Drill baby drill. It's good for everyone......even Obama.
Palin came up with that line the night she 'interviewed' Glen Rice.
Love it.

Originally posted by runyouover:
No. He is retarded. The dude has never won a debate on this board.
Then he says something silly and calls people a democrat and acts
like he was victorious. When rumor humiliates him with facts and logic
he acts like he is rumor intellectual equal, which is a joke. So it makes more
sense to tell the truth about him.

This is a 60 year old, uneducated bumpkin who makes the duck
dynasty and Paula dean people look sophisticated.
The petty name calling of the far left.

3R- it's more that we expect oil production and demand to go up every year worldwide due to the development of the third world. If oil demand growth is flat, that's a problem for the suppliers, as they've invested for a world where oil demand goes up by 1-2 million barrels a day. China's oil demand grew from about 6 M barrels a day to 11 M from 2003-2013. It's been close to flat since the middle of 2013 due to their slowdown. Russia is very weak, too. Western Europe continues to see declines in use as well. It's these non-US places where oil demand is hurt.

New home construction is up nationwide from the low. Low interest rates are helping those who can qualify for mortgages.

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