...about our society?
I have no opinion worth arguing for/against, but I’m curious what the pulse is on the subject.
Are you in the camp of “it’s just a game; it’s elimination would have no broader meaning about society?”...
“It would be a sign of the wussification of America!”
“It’s a sign that we have matured and progressed as a society”
...something else perhaps?
I'm not sure it says anything specific, other than we're a complicated society with complicated issues. People always want the simplest, easiest to understand answers, something that is black and white, when truth is, things are rarely simple.
Easy example: Are we more or less concerned with our overall health as a society?
On the one hand, we have a slew of gyms, weight rooms, fitness classes, etc. that have become big business in recent years. As someone who travels all over the country, there are a lot of area's where people are outside running, walking, riding bikes, etc., and communities have created infrastructure in a lot of the nicer area's of the country to facilitate those activities that didn't exist thirty years ago.
On the other hand, I often drive by fast food restaurants where there is a 20 car deep line in the drive through and nobody at the counter inside. People are so fat and lazy they would rather sit in the drive through for 45 minutes than park the car and walk thirty feet and go inside where there is no line.
So are we more concerned with being healthy, or are we pathetic? Depends. Maybe we're trying to run off our bad habits? Who knows.