Scare tactics don't work on the psychologically balanced. That is why torture is hit or miss, most drivers ed scare films where basically ineffective and the same with REEFER MAdDNeSS a classic anti-MJ film from that era. Dang I love that Film...I want to turn it into a drinking game. Reefer MadDneSS just typing it is a hoot!!
Also I don't care what the Shill, biased CNN payed Doctors say. I want receipts, data, facts and peer reviewed studies. That is called science and Doctors and experts stating opinions on National TV without the research to back it up are no Different....than ....the several Doctors, RN's and Pharmacists, who are not attention whore TV hounds, who are Anti-Vaxers for certain demographics that I know.
I disagree with them and their opinions but they have way bigger medical credentials than me. But still the data says getting vaxed helps you survive the Virus or most of all from getting it. And they retort that people over a certain age or with morbidity issues should get vaxed but the young and healthy should not take that risk as long term studies of this very experimental vax have not been done. Which is true.