Kyle Gerdaman to Mineral Area?

Rumor at the Eagles tournament this weekend, that there are 3 front runners for the assistants job. Claggett, Gerdaman and Kish. The 3 are supposed to be interviewed soon. All 3 have good coaching credentials and would be an asset to the program.
Please explain why you would want to lose Gerdeman to a rival in R 16? That makes absolutely no sense. We need him for stability purposes.
It would seem rather inconsistent to applaud Smith going to Minn. and bettering himself, then not allow Gerdy to do the same. Are you against G bettering his career?
I totally agree BiggDog. I think it is of the utmost importance we keep Kyle. He helped recruit these players and has lived with them for a year. I sure hope whoever gets the Hound job will see fit to keep Kyle. Kyle buddy, I know you read this. PLEASE stay if you have the chance.
kyle gerdaman hopefully will stay at houndtown. he is agreat asset to the program. i don,t see how someone living in texas would have any idea what kyle brings to the program. i know the defence that pat bought to houndtown was great and kyle will carry that to the next years team. go hounds and what ever coach we end up with
Don't think for a minute tha MACC would release players to go to anywhere if they were elgible to return .
Sorry Redngrey did not mean to. It was just a rumor. I meant for it to be a question. Please tell me if the rumor has any validity. I did not mean to start one. That is why I removed the post.

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