King James

All I know is I got raked over the coals on this board for defending Kaep when this all started because it had nothing to do with the military. The anthem is just a song. Ripping him for taking a knee is as absurd as taking away Tommie Smith’s Olympic medal for holding up a fist on the medal stand.

There are thousands of people in every city taking knees now. Seems like Kaep had an impact most of us will never match and Goodell admitted today they were wrong not to listen to their players. The NFL owners were intimidated by the racist in chief.

kaep was the brave man that took a stand just like ali and mlk did. mlk called for basically the same thing as kaep,yet he was murdered for it. ali was hated at one point but when he died everyone wanted a piece of him. kaep did something when it was wasnt popular,very few stuck their necks out. now the same necks in hiding are jumping on the that its popular. thank god for 9 minuted of video. like I said before,sad that a sports figure had to take the brunt of criticism when our politicians are too cowardly to speak up. black America have been waiving the flag trying to tell us,unfortunately the white populace have been deaf and intentionally naive to their plight.
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Yes. CK is all about pubic safety and building awareness about police brutality. But in reality he's a hateful vengeful racist and given the chance his sick ideas will turn on him.

CK, is part of the most frivolous division and rioting in American history. We literally all agree that justice for Floyd is the number 1 priority.

I suggest Quack head down to a major protest so he can kneel in front of Antifa and the other violent radicals that want revenge for slavery, he surely had a great great great grandfather that owned slaves. He should pay for this.

Show your solidarity by bailing out criminals like CK. Bring cash, no checks.

I dare him to wear your Besty Ross sneakers. This is a symbol of America's irredeemable evilness and rioting and looting is answer to the false systemic racism theory.

Well done Ducky. Thanks for loving America. SMH. Scumbag
Hey ... we're all about "pubic safety" around here ! ;)
Now that far left radical JJ Watt has joined Antifa.

Now that far left radical JJ Watt has joined Antifa.

I don't think JJ Watt will be criticizing the flag out of existence anytime soon.

At least he will still be looking at the flag. We all will for a moment.

Which is temporary unity. Which is the same as peace.

The fact that these nut jobs think the flag and the United States is the cause of human suffering, when much more evidence proves it has been a cure is what is so appalling.
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Sorry I was kept away because Elmer and Sam were trying to shoot a gun. There are bad people everywhere. Some of them are Hall of fame coaches. To riot every time something bad happens doesn't draw people to your cause. Peaceful protest yes. Burning and looting no.
Sorry I was kept away because Elmer and Sam were trying to shoot a gun. There are bad people everywhere. Some of them are Hall of fame coaches. To riot every time something bad happens doesn't draw people to your cause. Peaceful protest yes. Burning and looting no.

No offense to you personally but your post implies that you are lumping all protesters in with rioters and looters, and those are two different groups just like normal sane white folks and Trump crazed white supremacists are two different folks. And peaceful protest does draw people to your cause but it also gets you shot on your hotel balcony. So you can see why some people roll their eyes when they're told that.

Sorry to keep this thread alive.
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