Kind of hard to have an impeachment inquiry


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2019
when nobody shows up to testify lol

Trump told Pelosi to shove it and absolutely nothing she can do about it.

If they find people in contempt of Congress the case is referred to the Justice Dept for prosecution and Barr will ignore them.
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when nobody shows up to testify lol

Trump told Pelosi to shove it and absolutely nothing she can do about it.

If they find people in contempt of Congress the case is referred to the Justice Dept for prosecution and Barr will ignore them.
So glad to know you and other Trump backers think it's just great that his entire administration is breaking the law but it's OK since his AG is right in the middle of it and will not prosecute anyone for it. I'm sure this is exactly what the framers had in mind. o_O
So glad to know you and other Trump backers think it's just great that his entire administration is breaking the law but it's OK since his AG is right in the middle of it and will not prosecute anyone for it. I'm sure this is exactly what the framers had in mind. o_O
Nobody is breaking any law. Entire thing is an ongoing attempt to remove a president from office for purely political reasons.

As the Socialists are quick to point out, they are “Co-Equal branches of Govt”. The Congress can ask for something and President Trump can exert Executive privilege and tell them to go to hell.

If they want to impeach him they need to take a roll call vote on the house floor and do it like it’s been done every time before.
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So glad to know you and other Trump backers think it's just great that his entire administration is breaking the law but it's OK since his AG is right in the middle of it and will not prosecute anyone for it. I'm sure this is exactly what the framers had in mind. o_O
That CNN must be a hard habit to quit.
Nobody is breaking any law. Entire thing is an ongoing attempt to remove a president from office for purely political reasons.

As the Socialists are quick to point out, they are “Co-Equal branches of Govt”. The Congress can ask for something and President Trump can exert Executive privilege and tell them to go to hell.

If they want to impeach him they need to take a roll call vote on the house floor and do it like it’s been done every time before.

You can change your ID 100 times, you are still an ignorant bas&@/(. If congress can’t question witnesses to see if a president has done wrong, then we have a king, not a president. There is no law requiring a roll call of any kind. Never has been one.

If Trump has done no wrong why does he keep obstructing every investigation? If he is innocent he should want to clear things up ASAP. Instead HE is trying to destroy faith in every branch and every department of the U.S. government.
You can change your ID 100 times, you are still an ignorant bas&@/(. If congress can’t question witnesses to see if a president has done wrong, then we have a king, not a president. There is no law requiring a roll call of any kind. Never has been one.

If Trump has done no wrong why does he keep obstructing every investigation? If he is innocent he should want to clear things up ASAP. Instead HE is trying to destroy faith in every branch and every department of the U.S. government.
The bigger question is why don’t the Dems want to do this impeachment inquiry like the three before it. Why doesn’t it want to give The President the right to have his attorneys present and to cross examine witnesses. Why don’t they want Committee Republicans to have power to call and question their own witnesses??

Because it’s a partisan Socialist Witch Hunt like the Mueller investigation and all of the others.

If it wasn’t they would follow the same procedure the house has always followed
The bigger question is why don’t the Dems want to do this impeachment inquiry like the three before it. Why doesn’t it want to give The President the right to have his attorneys present and to cross examine witnesses. Why don’t they want Committee Republicans to have power to call and question their own witnesses??

Because it’s a partisan Socialist Witch Hunt like the Mueller investigation and all of the others.

If it wasn’t they would follow the same procedure the house has always followed

Let’s see if you can follow along. In an impeachment proceeding, the House is like a grand jury. They collect and examine documents and listen to witness testimony to determine if charges should be filed. There is no cross examination of witnesses in a grand jury. If the house decided to impeach, the Senate then runs the trial portion and witnesses can be questioned. And then they will act as the jury to determine the outcome.

Don’t fall for the moron repubs who have been whining about cross examination of witnesses. It’s a distraction. They hooked you.

If you cheer Trump blocking witnesses you are cutting your own throat. It means we have only one branch of government and your votes for our representatives mean nothing.
And let me also say, thank you for using Robert Redford’s picture, he has been fighting for far left causes most of his life. He is a great man.
The bigger question is why don’t the Dems want to do this impeachment inquiry like the three before it. Why doesn’t it want to give The President the right to have his attorneys present and to cross examine witnesses. Why don’t they want Committee Republicans to have power to call and question their own witnesses??

Because it’s a partisan Socialist Witch Hunt like the Mueller investigation and all of the others.

If it wasn’t they would follow the same procedure the house has always followed
If they had a legit right to the stuff they subpoenaed they would go to court to enforce it. They won't. They are making it up as they go along and don't have a clue where they are going. They have whipped the 3Rs of the world into a frenzy and now they want action. It isn't like a vote to proceed would be a big delay either. They simply want to keep making stuff up without having to prove it.

Anonymous accuser with a political ax to grind makes charges of a promise that wasn't made, a quid pro quo that wasn't, and now charges of obstruction for doing what every American has the right to do. They will either have to go on record or drop it eventually. Trump is just laughing at their folly.
If they had a legit right to the stuff they subpoenaed they would go to court to enforce it. They won't. They are making it up as they go along and don't have a clue where they are going. They have whipped the 3Rs of the world into a frenzy and now they want action. It isn't like a vote to proceed would be a big delay either. They simply want to keep making stuff up without having to prove it.

Anonymous accuser with a political ax to grind makes charges of a promise that wasn't made, a quid pro quo that wasn't, and now charges of obstruction for doing what every American has the right to do. They will either have to go on record or drop it eventually. Trump is just laughing at their folly.
Laughing so hard he's crying. He's done. Put a fork in him.
If they had a legit right to the stuff they subpoenaed they would go to court to enforce it. They won't. They are making it up as they go along and don't have a clue where they are going. They have whipped the 3Rs of the world into a frenzy and now they want action. It isn't like a vote to proceed would be a big delay either. They simply want to keep making stuff up without having to prove it.

Anonymous accuser with a political ax to grind makes charges of a promise that wasn't made, a quid pro quo that wasn't, and now charges of obstruction for doing what every American has the right to do. They will either have to go on record or drop it eventually. Trump is just laughing at their folly.
Apparently the Whistleblower is a registered Democrat who has been doing volunteer work for one of the 2020 Dem candidates??

Trey Gowdy is going to eat Pencil Neck alive.

From what Gowdy said, asking Ukraine to help in an approved ongoing investigation by our Justice Dept of the interference in the 2016 election is completely legal....and asking them to look into apparent corruption of the Former VP is also well within the law since Biden was a member of the Executive Branch which Trump is head of, apparently Trump can investigate wrongdoing in his own dept as he so chooses

Gowdy is a pretty sharp guy I tend to believe him and don’t think he would take on a case he doesn’t think he will win
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Apparently the Whistleblower is a registered Democrat who has been doing volunteer work for one of the 2020 Dem candidates??

Trey Gowdy is going to eat Pencil Neck alive.

From what Gowdy said, asking Ukraine to help in an approved ongoing investigation by our Justice Dept of the interference in the 2016 election is completely legal....and asking them to look into apparent corruption of the Former VP is also well within the law since Biden was a member of the Executive Branch which Trump is head of, apparently Trump can investigate wrongdoing in his own dept as he so chooses

Gowdy is a pretty sharp guy I tend to believe him and don’t think he would take on a case he doesn’t think he will win
Trey Gowdy

'The notion that you can withhold information and documents from Congress no matter whether you are the party in power or not in power is wrong. Respect for the rule of law must mean something, irrespective of the vicissitudes of political cycles."
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Trey Gowdy

'The notion that you can withhold information and documents from Congress no matter whether you are the party in power or not in power is wrong. Respect for the rule of law must mean something, irrespective of the vicissitudes of political cycles."

Which LAW says the Executive branch is subject to the Legislative?
Which LAW has Trump broken to warrant impeachment even being speculated?
Which LAW says the Executive branch is subject to the Legislative?
Which LAW has Trump broken to warrant impeachment even being speculated?
Gowdy said it son.
Hes the bestest ever.

Congress job is oversight

You should take a civics class
If they had a legit right to the stuff they subpoenaed they would go to court to enforce it. They won't. They are making it up as they go along and don't have a clue where they are going. They have whipped the 3Rs of the world into a frenzy and now they want action. It isn't like a vote to proceed would be a big delay either. They simply want to keep making stuff up without having to prove it.

Anonymous accuser with a political ax to grind makes charges of a promise that wasn't made, a quid pro quo that wasn't, and now charges of obstruction for doing what every American has the right to do. They will either have to go on record or drop it eventually. Trump is just laughing at their folly.
The IG checked out his claims and said it was serious and urgent that it should be brought to the attention of congress. The IG is a Trump appointee. They claimed he had no first hand knowledge of what he claimed, now there is another that does have first hand information. The first whistle blower was turning over information given to him by people in the room when the call was made so they didn't have to do it themselves. People that Trump picked himself are shocked at his behavior enough to give this whistle blower that kind of information. They wonder why there have been so many leaks, it's because some the people around Trump know what he does is just plain wrong and they want it get out to the public.
I don’t think anyone on here supports Trumps language that is crude and demeaning. I have stated that you and SBT use the same comments/language as Trump. Why emulate someone you despise?
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It’s a simple document that has been around for 250 years

Show me where in our constitution that Congress has oversight authority over the Executive Branch.
I know you'd prefer a king but the reality is as follows:

Although the U.S. Constitution grants no formal, express authority to oversee or investigate the executive or program administration, oversight is implied in Congress’s array of enumerated powers.[8] The legislature is authorized to appropriate funds; raise and support armies; provide for and maintain a navy; declare war; provide for organizing and calling forth the Militia; regulate interstate and foreign commerce; establish post offices and post roads; advise and consent on treaties and presidential nominations (Senate); and impeach (House) and try (Senate) the President, Vice President, and civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Reinforcing these powers is Congress’s broad authority “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof”.

The authority to oversee derives from these constitutional powers. Congress could not carry them out reasonably or responsibly without knowing what the executive is doing; how programs are being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials are obeying the law and complying with legislative intent. The Supreme Court has legitimated Congress’s investigative power, subject to constitutional safeguards for civil liberties. In 1927, the Court found that, in investigating the administration of the Department of Justice, Congress was considering a subject “on which legislation could be had or would be materially aided by the information which the investigation was calculated to elicit”.[9]
I know you'd prefer a king but the reality is as follows:

Although the U.S. Constitution grants no formal, express authority to oversee or investigate the executive or program administration, oversight is implied in Congress’s array of enumerated powers.[8] The legislature is authorized to appropriate funds; raise and support armies; provide for and maintain a navy; declare war; provide for organizing and calling forth the Militia; regulate interstate and foreign commerce; establish post offices and post roads; advise and consent on treaties and presidential nominations (Senate); and impeach (House) and try (Senate) the President, Vice President, and civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Reinforcing these powers is Congress’s broad authority “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof”.

The authority to oversee derives from these constitutional powers. Congress could not carry them out reasonably or responsibly without knowing what the executive is doing; how programs are being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials are obeying the law and complying with legislative intent. The Supreme Court has legitimated Congress’s investigative power, subject to constitutional safeguards for civil liberties. In 1927, the Court found that, in investigating the administration of the Department of Justice, Congress was considering a subject “on which legislation could be had or would be materially aided by the information which the investigation was calculated to elicit”.[9]

This has been explained on this website over and over and you still keep asking the same question. Veer just answered it. Please try to remember.
I know you'd prefer a king but the reality is as follows:

Although the U.S. Constitution grants no formal, express authority to oversee or investigate the executive or program administration, oversight is implied in Congress’s array of enumerated powers.[8] The legislature is authorized to appropriate funds; raise and support armies; provide for and maintain a navy; declare war; provide for organizing and calling forth the Militia; regulate interstate and foreign commerce; establish post offices and post roads; advise and consent on treaties and presidential nominations (Senate); and impeach (House) and try (Senate) the President, Vice President, and civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Reinforcing these powers is Congress’s broad authority “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof”.

The authority to oversee derives from these constitutional powers. Congress could not carry them out reasonably or responsibly without knowing what the executive is doing; how programs are being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials are obeying the law and complying with legislative intent. The Supreme Court has legitimated Congress’s investigative power, subject to constitutional safeguards for civil liberties. In 1927, the Court found that, in investigating the administration of the Department of Justice, Congress was considering a subject “on which legislation could be had or would be materially aided by the information which the investigation was calculated to elicit”.[9]
In other words it’s not in there anywhere

They a Co-Equal Branches of govt, Congress can ask for something and Trump can say go get screwed.

You shouldn’t have to have years worth of investigations to determine if a duly elected President should be removed from office. Any offense should be blatant and clear.

They need to just do it or shut up about it.
I don’t think anyone on here supports Trumps language that is crude and demeaning. I have stated that you and SBT use the same comments/language as Trump. Why emulate someone you despise?
You need to stop trying to be the moral cop on this forum. It makes you look really bad.
In other words it’s not in there anywhere

They a Co-Equal Branches of govt, Congress can ask for something and Trump can say go get screwed.

You shouldn’t have to have years worth of investigations to determine if a duly elected President should be removed from office. Any offense should be blatant and clear.

They need to just do it or shut up about it.
You can be wrong and that's ok.

Trey Gowdy---

"The notion that you can withhold information and documents from Congress no matter whether you are the party in power or not in power is wrong. Respect for the rule of law must mean something, irrespective of the vicissitudes of political cycles."

Trey Gowdy
In other words it’s not in there anywhere

They a Co-Equal Branches of govt, Congress can ask for something and Trump can say go get screwed.

You shouldn’t have to have years worth of investigations to determine if a duly elected President should be removed from office. Any offense should be blatant and clear.

They need to just do it or shut up about it.
Exactly, it isn't in there.
They can impeach if they can identify a crime but neither they nor Veer have or can.
Apparently the Whistleblower is a registered Democrat who has been doing volunteer work for one of the 2020 Dem candidates??

Trey Gowdy is going to eat Pencil Neck alive.

From what Gowdy said, asking Ukraine to help in an approved ongoing investigation by our Justice Dept of the interference in the 2016 election is completely legal....and asking them to look into apparent corruption of the Former VP is also well within the law since Biden was a member of the Executive Branch which Trump is head of, apparently Trump can investigate wrongdoing in his own dept as he so chooses

Gowdy is a pretty sharp guy I tend to believe him and don’t think he would take on a case he doesn’t think he will win
It appears Gowdy has decided NOT to jump in this mess.

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