I don't think Trump or anybody has the authority no matter what they think to restart this thing. They scared the horse back in the barn by beating it over the head saying the sky is falling the sky is falling these last few months, and by telling us things are bad it is only going to get worse. Well now they think just by saying okay coast is clear you can come out the worse is over and now they expect us to think oh things are going to be back to normal. I call bull$&#T, things are not going to go back to normal, Trump could go out tomorrow and say its over folks come out of your houses, and lets go back to work and almost everybody would laugh at him, hell it would't matter who said it, Pelosi, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, things are not going to go back to normal while this thing is lurking around. People are kidding themselves, the first time a new case is reported in your town people will duck and run for cover.
The only way things go back to normal and people start to feel safe to get out is when we either have a vaccine or some sort of treatment that will help those that become sick or Covid disappears, Until then every time somebody comes down with it locally it's going to be like people just heard gun shots... they are going to run for cover.
And while I say all of this, I am not saying what we did was right or wrong, just saying people don't feel safe now, and until they start to feel safe again things are not going to go back to normal, it might change, but we won't be normal again for awhile.
Sort of like trying to move back into a snake infested house, when you have been told hey we got most of them but not all. Until you know for sure they are all gone, you an't sleeping good at night.