I've been Vaxed ....


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
I got My second Moderna shot in Mid-Jan./GF got her Pfizer about the same time..Parents have been vaxed as well. Most of my family has to. But with that said I understand why some people have chosen not to and without a doubt they have legit fears. The vax's are all experimental and having trepidations from taking them or even if they are effective are valid.

This article is a pretty good read with a lot of links to data....

I am Vaxed...sure I worry that it is experimental, but at one time everything was experimental...and well still is.

I was telling my wife that I still remember very vividly getting loaded up on a yellow school bus when I was in preschool around 1970 and they drove us to some parking lot at a doctors office in the middle of town. When we got there it seemed like there were hundreds of little yellow school busses along all these other kids, no parents insight just teachers and us kids. They put us in several lines like cattle, at the front of each line they had this gun like thing it looked so futuristic and you could see up front that they were using it to shot kids. It was so scary as a 4 year old watching that happen, they would slowly herded us to the front and one by one we got the shot it went pretty fast, oh I remember the fear when I was about two or three away....once you were done they loaded us back up on the bus to take us back to school. They sure wouldn't dream of doing anything like that today.

To bad they can't use something like that vaccine gun today...I guess those vaccine guns are not good today? I don't even think the dang thing had a needle, it shot the thing in with some force? Oh the good old 70's.... I think some of the nurses were even smoking LOL....
In the past most Vax's had to be pretty well vetted to be released and used on people. These Vax's have not been studied or vetted and nobody knows the long term effects if any they may be present. So I understand that some people may well not want to take them and that is their right and a legit concern.

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