Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
Originally posted by WCS Coach:
The government is simply a reflection of the people. For the most part the people of this country do not really believe in God or for that matter care about Godly things. That being the case, religion would be a huge problem.
The argument is that fundamentalist religious teaches poor critical thinking skills, not that it teaches people to advocate for bad policy because that is what is advocated for in church.
The article's point is that if you teach people to ignore objective evidence and to blur the line between opinion and fact, you're creating people who don't have the critical thinking skills to make good decisions. If one really believes that the earth is 6,000 years old in spite of it being factually wrong, then one is disproportionately likely to believe things like "global warming is made up" and "Fannie and Freddie created the economic downturn."
The political right in the US has a blurring of fact and opinion that is damaging to its ability to advocate for good policy. This inability to discern what is objective evidence and what is an opinion is the #1 problem in our country.
There are plenty of good arguments for many policies advocated by the religious right. That's not at all the issue. The issue is the lack of a thought process underlying most of the policies.
So in other words man knows more than the Creator. Gotta love those "critical thinking skills".