It's not just the right that does this, of course, but many on the right do nearly always have the goal of "owning the libs," which is not terribly intellectually mature or honest.
It’s called pointing out the hypocrisy …for most psrt the left/Dems have no desire to engage in civil discourse or discuss the issues for the most part. You being the exception.
During Trumps presidency on this board how many post daily was there blaming Trump for any and everything he had no control of and vilifying him as the worst person to walk the face of the earth cause he was blunt
And crass. All the while ignoring or dismissing the good things he did.
Myself and other conservatives on this board all chastised him for is insane spending and his ignorant mouth. But we also recognized the good things he did as well.
As of yet what left leaner on here as actually acknowledge Biden has been a failure …that he has done a worse job by far than Trump economically and on foreign issues from Afghan, the boarder or the Ukraine?
Nope the default is it’s all Trump still lol! The go to excuse.
It’s sort of a hoot to see how entitled the Dems on here are. They want to play by a different set of rules ….we can blame a Rep.President based on our emotional dislike of him regardless of the data…that is good! That is fine that is how the game is played
But if Conservatives engage in the same tactics it’s bad faith and while trying to ow the libs is intellectually immature! Is no different than the continued racist,Xenophobe,homophobe,ist,ism, name calling or the allusion that conservatives are intellectually deficient immature drivel spewed by Dems.
You do realize that conservatives are just now getting into the game and playing catch up with the Dems political games.