If Putin had something to do with the DNC hack

Is this Trump and Manafort's Watergate?
I think the allegations are explosive and the Rs should be condemning potential involvement of hostile foreign governments in our election, but it's not like there's any evidence Trump and Manafort had anything to do with it.
I think the allegations are explosive and the Rs should be condemning potential involvement of hostile foreign governments in our election, but it's not like there's any evidence Trump and Manafort had anything to do with it.
Russia owns Trump. The more that comes out the worse he will look (and not really on this petty issue).

Follow the money boys.
wait a minute, the democratic establishment is caught red handed trying to put the fix in on the primary process, but somehow its Trump that has an issue??

They are crying cause they got caught cheating, they get everything coming to them
wait a minute, the democratic establishment is caught red handed trying to put the fix in on the primary process, but somehow its Trump that has an issue??

They are crying cause they got caught cheating, they get everything coming to them
Dude, no offense, but what is a bigger deal, the Democratic party working on behalf of an American who is a member of their party to win an election or one of our biggest enemies working to try to stop an American from being elected because they believe that is in their interest? Think for a second. The latter is far more explosive and important.

It's a Putin issue, though, not a Trump issue. Although it should give you pause that Vladimir Putin wants Donald Trump to beat Hillary.
I believe 100% that Russian intelligence was probably behind it ( or their surrogates )

But to believe that Trump had anything to do with it is beyond stupid.

And yes I think what the democrats did was worse. I expect the Russians to do everything they can to screw with us ( hell Obama did everything he could to defeat Bibi)

I would hope that a party in our country would not try to throw an election for our president, I expect a hell of a lot more from our people than I do the Russians. Apparently that's not the case!!!
I believe 100% that Russian intelligence was probably behind it ( or their surrogates )

But to believe that Trump had anything to do with it is beyond stupid.

And yes I think what the democrats did was worse. I expect the Russians to do everything they can to screw with us ( hell Obama did everything he could to defeat Bibi)

I would hope that a party in our country would not try to throw an election for our president, I expect a hell of a lot more from our people than I do the Russians. Apparently that's not the case!!!
If "throwing" an election is seeing if someone will ask Bernie about his religion in the South, then your definition needs some work.
Spin and deny

If the DNC intentionally tried to sway voters to support Hillary over Bernie is the problem.

Not who exposed their unethical behavior.

Do democrats EVER take responsibility?

Is there ANYBODY with a functioning brain that thinks Hillary didn't know about it?

Outside enemies are expected to undermine our elections, we shouldn't have to worry about our own parties doing it.
Didn't Manafort's work for Putin? There is a connection there I just don't remember all the details. I know it's a stretch and there is zero evidence. It is not hard to see Putin working with Trump's team once they got the info. Seems similar to Watergate is all I am saying.
Spin and deny

If the DNC intentionally tried to sway voters to support Hillary over Bernie is the problem.

Not who exposed their unethical behavior.

Do democrats EVER take responsibility?

Is there ANYBODY with a functioning brain that thinks Hillary didn't know about it?

Outside enemies are expected to undermine our elections, we shouldn't have to worry about our own parties doing it.
You need to reread what I wrote. I said the DNC did not throw the election. I did not say what they tried to do was right.
Spin and deny

If the DNC intentionally tried to sway voters to support Hillary over Bernie is the problem.

Not who exposed their unethical behavior.

Do democrats EVER take responsibility?

Is there ANYBODY with a functioning brain that thinks Hillary didn't know about it?

Outside enemies are expected to undermine our elections, we shouldn't have to worry about our own parties doing it.
Why can't both things be a problem? It's not that hard.

Since when are outside enemies supposed to undermine our elections? Can you name a single time this has ever happened before? This is unprecedented and astonishing. Both parties should be furious. This is far more important than anything in the DNC emails.
I feel that the Democrats have been thrown under the bus again by the Vast Right Wing Conspirators' .:confused:

Lying to the Bernie crowd was a bridge that needed to be crossed if Hillary had any shot of winning the nomination.
No it may have not been ethical but in this case it's fair to say that an old man leading children is not the same thing as a "Champion for the People" leading the less fortunate and oppressed.

As for Trump, he is "in the tank" with the Russians. . .
Hillary's website tells us so...
Do not waste your vote on him.:mad:

Once again the Clinton's have been made a scapegoat for the treacherous hate filled venom of the Republican Party.

Do what you can to put a "real" Democrat in the White House and tell the "foolish Bernie followers" :confused:to either get on board with the Clinton's or go home....

Why can't both things be a problem? It's not that hard.

Since when are outside enemies supposed to undermine our elections? Can you name a single time this has ever happened before? This is unprecedented and astonishing. Both parties should be furious. This is far more important than anything in the DNC emails.

I did not say they were supposed to undermine our elections, I said as enemies, we should expect them to do whatever they can to cause us harm. They are our enemy, it should be expected. We should not however, expect our own political parties to undermine our elections.

I cannot off the top of my head site an example where a foreign entity changed or harmed our political process, but I would find it hard to believe it hasn't happened.
I did not say they were supposed to undermine our elections, I said as enemies, we should expect them to do whatever they can to cause us harm. They are our enemy, it should be expected. We should not however, expect our own political parties to undermine our elections.

I cannot off the top of my head site an example where a foreign entity changed or harmed our political process, but I would find it hard to believe it hasn't happened.
"we should expect our enemies to do so but it has never happened before" - don't you see how this viewpoint is incoherent? It's not like this is the first time we have ever had enemies. We should most certainly not expect it. It is not normal. It should be vigorously opposed by any sane political party.

The Democratic party can nominate whoever it wants to be President. It is your choice to vote or not vote for whomever comes out of whatever process they select in November. That's the election.
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"we should expect our enemies to do so but it has never happened before" - don't you see how this viewpoint is incoherent? It's not like this is the first time we have ever had enemies. We should most certainly not expect it. It is not normal. It should be vigorously opposed by any sane political party.

The Democratic party can nominate whoever it wants to be President. It is your choice to vote or not vote for whomever comes out of whatever process they select in November. That's the election.
I did not make the above statement. We should not expect our enemies to try to harm us?
You are the one that said it hasn't happened before, not me.

Once again, you are deflecting and denying the corruption in our own political parties, while you gasp in disbelief that our enemies would want to hurt us.

As you stated before, we can admit it is a terrible situation on both accounts.
I did not make the above statement. We should not expect our enemies to try to harm us?
You are the one that said it hasn't happened before, not me.

Once again, you are deflecting and denying the corruption in our own political parties, while you gasp in disbelief that our enemies would want to hurt us.

As you stated before, we can admit it is a terrible situation on both accounts.
I'm not gasping in disbelief. I'm pointing out the deafening silence from one of our major political parties on Russia. its candidate four years ago claimed Russia was our #1 enemy.
I think the allegations are explosive and the Rs should be condemning potential involvement of hostile foreign governments in our election, but it's not like there's any evidence Trump and Manafort had anything to do with it.

If they were paying off delegates and so forth yeah I would be more concerned, however basically all they did was pull back the curtain so people could see the inner workings and embarrass the democrats at was supposed to be their week. And that is if they are involved.

If they lose to Trump they only have themselves to blame.
hillary can say Russians but she can't say Islamic Extremist:(

Joseph Stalin was Communist.

Joseph Stalin was Russian.

Hillary Rodham knew Stalin.

Hillary Rodham knew Russians.

Donald Trump, the Media claims you had ties to Russia.

Donald Trump, the Media claims you had ties to Stalin.

Donald Trump, the Media claims you had ties to Communism.

Well candidate Trump
I have NEWS for you...

Hillary knew Stalin.

Hillary knew Russia.

Hillary knows Communism.


You Mr Trump are no....
Hillary Rotten Clinton
I see Cowherd and NM found out what the spin is!
First, we don't KNOW Russia is behind this.
Second, why would Russia want Trump (the more aggressive and strong) over Hillary?
3rd, it's WHAT they leaked not WHO leaked it.
4th, there will be much more.
I have no problem with a Communist Leader like Vladimir Putin who you know hates you to the core and is willing to tell you so with an H-Bomb if needed.

Hillary Rotten on the other hand will enforce her countries sovereignty with Re-Set Buttons, Red Lines in the sand and Open Boarders to tens of thousands of unveted Syrians.

You do realize though that once a terrorist or group of terrorist comes into this country unveted and attacks US citizens, even naïve Leftist will turn on Hillary Rotten and the Democrats.

You will be for ever seen as the cause of "any" attack from that day forward.

Good Luck with that ...:cool:
Lol @ the thought process by a few of you. It's Russia's fault the DNC is corrupt.
Lol not even close to what anyone is saying. Thanks for trying though. I know how hard it is for you to think about a complex situation. If it doesn't involve guns you can't figure out where to stand.
I see Cowherd and NM found out what the spin is!
First, we don't KNOW Russia is behind this.
Second, why would Russia want Trump (the more aggressive and strong) over Hillary?
3rd, it's WHAT they leaked not WHO leaked it.
4th, there will be much more.
Because Trump is not aggressive or strong on Russia!

Turn on the Russia Today TV network. It is basically Trump propaganda at this point.
Didn't Obama say he would sit down with Iran and other nations and try a different approach to working out our differences back when he was running for President in 08? How is Trumps approach to Russia any different? Not saying I agree with his approach but I also did not agree with Obama's in 08.
Didn't Obama say he would sit down with Iran and other nations and try a different approach to working out our differences back when he was running for President in 08? How is Trumps approach to Russia any different? Not saying I agree with his approach but I also did not agree with Obama's in 08.
Obama didn't consistently praise Iran. Trump consistently praises Putin and other dictators.
Where are the RNC emails? Can you imagine what Preibus and the rest said about Trump and Cruz.
Didn't Obama say he would sit down with Iran and other nations and try a different approach to working out our differences back when he was running for President in 08? How is Trumps approach to Russia any different? Not saying I agree with his approach but I also did not agree with Obama's in 08.
He didn't pretend their leaders are awesome people. His point was that Bush acted as if war and antipathy were the only approaches to relations with other countries, and that he was going to take a more rational approach.

His first major action with Iran was to disapprove of their treatment of the Green movement's dissidents. Then, he imposed major sanctions in combination with five other powers to try to stop Iran's nuclear program, Then, he negotiated and signed a nuclear deal with Iran + the other powers in exchange for removal of those sanctions. He recognized correctly that you can use carrots and sticks to get a deal that made the Middle East safer even when you don't agree on many other basic items.

Can you imagine what Iran would have done under Bush if the ship had entered its territory? The naval personnel wouldn't have been back in our custody in under 24 hours.

I think you can argue fairly that Obama underestimated how much of a pain that Russia would be, though.

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