Unemployment at record lows.
Minority unemployment at record lows.
Consumer sentiment very strong.
Small business sentiment very positive.
Inflation very low.
Wages rising faster than inflation.
Stock market at all time highs.
Trade agreements improving.
Illegal immigration greatly reduced.
Taxes lowered.
Regulations cut dramatically.
Gas prices low.
Reduced war footprint.
Eliminated bad Iran nuke deal.
Trumps personality is the same as when elected. He simply must go!
Minority unemployment at record lows.
Consumer sentiment very strong.
Small business sentiment very positive.
Inflation very low.
Wages rising faster than inflation.
Stock market at all time highs.
Trade agreements improving.
Illegal immigration greatly reduced.
Taxes lowered.
Regulations cut dramatically.
Gas prices low.
Reduced war footprint.
Eliminated bad Iran nuke deal.
Trumps personality is the same as when elected. He simply must go!