Here's my take on how recruiting can be done in high school using two areas in Missouri.
According to Wikipedia the greater St. Louis metro area covers 8,261 sq. miles. That's about a 90 mi. by 90 mi. area. The MSA has the population at 2,811,588 for that area leaving a density of 340.3 people per sq mi.
If you take 2/3's of that and go 30 miles all around Lamar you would get, Pittsburg, KS, Webb, Carthage, part of Joplin, Nevada and a bunch of small towns plus the people in the country bringing a combined population of around 140,000. Let's up it to 200,000. At 3,600 sq miles this gives a density at 55.5 people per sq mi.
If you're a school in St Louis you can have players from anywhere in that area. You can recruit a player by offering them free tuition and the hopes of a state championship. I know two private schools where that happens, openly. I know parents that have kids that are great athletes and have been approached by these schools with free tuition. One of the schools wins at least one state championship and usually more every year in KS. They recruit.
If Webb or Lamar could go within that radius and offer free tuition and transportation with the hopes of a state championship they would be untouchable. They've kind of been that without recruiting. BTW, I threw in transportation because public school is mostly tuition free anyways.
So, when you see a St. Louis team that has a way higher number of level 1 players than a public school you begin to wonder. Then you hear of youth coaches that admit to telling his youth team to come play for him at a high school level it doesn't set well with teams that can't do that. One instance stands out. A class 3 school in KC that was dominate in basketball listed their team and where they lived. They had players from all over the entire KC metro area. No school can do this except private schools.
With this said, I don't want private and public split up because the private schools would literally have no restraints and would pull top players worse than they already do. Not sure what the answer is but MSHSAA needs to regulate it deeper than they do. With that said MSHSAA probably doesn't have the budget to investigate deeply into every situation.