C. CLASSIFICATION: A school's classification will be determined by its enrollment in grades 9-11 as of March 15th of the preceding school year. (See MSHSAA Board Policy in the MSHSAA Handbook for details on Classification Procedures as well the use of the Championship Factor for non MSIP schools.
The classification for playoffs shall be determined as follows:
a. 8-Man Football: Schools shall be in one class; only schools with enrollments of 150 or less may participate in 8-Man football.
b. 11-Man Football: Schools will be divided into six classes
i. The largest 32 schools shall be in Class 6
ii. 20% of football playing schools are placed in Class 1
iii. The remaining football schools will be divided equally across Class 2-5 as outlined in MSHSAA Board Policy regarding classification procedures.