Because abstinence causes pregnancy?Because we still have people thinking abstinence only is a valid sex Ed strategy.
You said pregnancy didn't ruin lives. Why the need for abortion then?
Because abstinence causes pregnancy?Because we still have people thinking abstinence only is a valid sex Ed strategy.
You've now moved to the part of the argument where you become intentionally dense.Because abstinence causes pregnancy?
You said pregnancy didn't ruin lives. Why the need for abortion then?
You've now moved to the part of the argument where you become intentionally dense.
Have a nice day.
I think we agree on one key issue....educate your children about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and in this case sex.
What you and I disagree about is on who is doing the educating. I prefer to do it rather than rely on a school system that I don't believe in or trust to teach these things in a manner I believe is appropriate. Because I am the parent.....I'm doing it the way I believe is best for my child. You are free to do it any way you choose for yours.
Now please tell me what is wrong about that?
I see you replied to my post, but I have you on my ignore list. Go ahead and say whatever you like, but know this for a fact.....I will never read another of your post until a conservative poster on here tells me you are actually willing to discuss topics in a serious manner.
This will be my final reply to you until then.