He is their God


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
An entire party devoted to one man. The greatest con in history. This is unreal.

YOU are the one person posting about President Trump every day, would appear to me he is your God if he is anyones
These are senate candidates who can do nothing but reference Trump time after time. Of course we are going to post about him. You worship him. You were conned liked so many. It’s an incredible travesty.
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Well since Trump still has a portion of conservative supporters he will be mentioned. Is there more context from that debate than that 1 min. long clip? Was he referenced hundreds of times in the debate? Or was this the only sound bite?

Also not many where conned....You clearly don't understand that Trumps support comes from his Swagger and Arrogance and the fact he is not a leftist Like Biden, Bernie or any other Democrat left on that side of the lines. I mean how many True Blue dogs are left? Like 19 or 20 and the rest are Card carrying Leftwing commies. And clearly Toots you love you some are a true authoritarian at heart and want to control people form cradle to grave.
Well since Trump still has a portion of conservative supporters he will be mentioned. Is there more context from that debate than that 1 min. long clip? Was he referenced hundreds of times in the debate? Or was this the only sound bite?

Also not many where conned....You clearly don't understand that Trumps support comes from his Swagger and Arrogance and the fact he is not a leftist Like Biden, Bernie or any other Democrat left on that side of the lines. I mean how many True Blue dogs are left? Like 19 or 20 and the rest are Card carrying Leftwing commies. And clearly Toots you love you some are a true authoritarian at heart and want to control people form cradle to grave.
Do yo still think Trump had no power over the 1/6 protestors? Of so you are one of a very few. You can plainly see from the texts and calls made by high ranking republicans that they absolutely thought he had plenty of control over those folks and wanted him to use it and they were very afraid of what he might do to get the election over turned.
These are senate candidates who can do nothing but reference Trump time after time. Of course we are going to post about him. You worship him. You were conned liked so many. It’s an incredible travesty.
it's amazing how deeply brainwashed these people are.

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An entire party devoted to one man. The greatest con in history. This is unreal.

Typical liberal overhype. A 1 minute video packed with every mention of Trump's name of a 60 minute debate from a questionable organization, The Republican Accountability Project, headed by a democrat, Bill Kristol. It's a hit job by a war monger. Kristol has pushed every military involvement since the "hidden weapons of mass destruction" Iraq invasion. He hates Trump and has created an organization polarized on the "orange man". I will issue a bet....get DeSantis to run in 2024 and we'll see how many people are "Trumpers". Instead of continuing to focus on that dangerous Trump guy, why don't you focus on this pathetic administration you voted in? Every Biden voter should be on their knees, apologizing for handing this country the worst president EVER. Our economy is terrible, Biden's border policies are allowing and aiding thousands of illegals into our country, fuel prices has driven everything sky high when we were energy independent. etc. etc, etc. And we're still talking about the mouth that offended. SMH

PS If I mentioned something that has already been discussed by every person on MoSports I apologize. I have a job and a life and am not on here making 35 post per day. With that said, Toots, are you retired or do you live in your parents basement and play on MoSports all day long?
Do yo still think Trump had no power over the 1/6 protestors? Of so you are one of a very few. You can plainly see from the texts and calls made by high ranking republicans that they absolutely thought he had plenty of control over those folks and wanted him to use it and they were very afraid of what he might do to get the election over turned.
They thought he did ....but you can't control a Mob. I've pointed out the timeline of how he even called for them to halt their actions and they ignored him.

The only power he had was he emboldened them with some Fiery speech...and Rep. thinking he had control is no different than Dem's thinking he had control. It's a emotional analysis. No one has control over anyone else's behavior. Sure you can influence people but at the end of the day people do what they want to do and it usually takes force to stop that behavior..or you let it burn out on it's own.
Typical liberal overhype. A 1 minute video packed with every mention of Trump's name of a 60 minute debate from a questionable organization, The Republican Accountability Project, headed by a democrat, Bill Kristol. It's a hit job by a war monger. Kristol has pushed every military involvement since the "hidden weapons of mass destruction" Iraq invasion. He hates Trump and has created an organization polarized on the "orange man". I will issue a bet....get DeSantis to run in 2024 and we'll see how many people are "Trumpers". Instead of continuing to focus on that dangerous Trump guy, why don't you focus on this pathetic administration you voted in? Every Biden voter should be on their knees, apologizing for handing this country the worst president EVER. Our economy is terrible, Biden's border policies are allowing and aiding thousands of illegals into our country, fuel prices has driven everything sky high when we were energy independent. etc. etc, etc. And we're still talking about the mouth that offended. SMH

PS If I mentioned something that has already been discussed by every person on MoSports I apologize. I have a job and a life and am not on here making 35 post per day. With that said, Toots, are you retired or do you live in your parents basement and play on MoSports all day long?
The reports I've seen say how many thousands of them were "apprehended." Isn't that what is supposed to happen when they try to cross illegally? :rolleyes:
Governor Abbot in Texas is giving them a free bus ride to DC.
18,000 per day are crossing the border illegally. Biden admin is shipping many of them all over the country into small communities. And you focus on Abbott's drop in the bucket publicity stunt? Party over country for you, got it.
Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha Bahahahahaha
18,000 per day are crossing the border illegally. Biden admin is shipping many of them all over the country into small communities. And you focus on Abbott's drop in the bucket publicity stunt? Party over country for you, got it.
18,000 per day are crossing the border illegally. Biden admin is shipping many of them all over the country into small communities. And you focus on Abbott's drop in the bucket publicity stunt? Party over country for you, got it.
I'd say they've caught over 300,000 and 18,000 made it they're doing pretty good work.
If they don't catch them how does anyone know how many got in illegally?
If 18,000 people are crossing the border illegally, how would you count them?
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I'd say if they apprehend or encounter around 1.7 million a year they have a statistical model that estimates that 18,000 get under the wire.
Yea man! When that caravan came marching thru that border I knew then my granddaughters would have their AR-15s taken away and wouldn’t be able to hunt nor fight off trannys in the bathroom. Their white guilt is eating them up so bad ever since their teacher falsely told them about Abraham Lincoln freein them slaves.
Yea man! When that caravan came marching thru that border I knew then my granddaughters would have their AR-15s taken away and wouldn’t be able to hunt nor fight off trannys in the bathroom. Their white guilt is eating them up so bad ever since their teacher falsely told them about Abraham Lincoln freein them slaves.
Wow so you believe people are hunting and being Attacked by tranny's in Target Bathrooms? You have jumped the May Pole now!!
You mean the people who are a) concerned that so many in our great country would fall for a conman or b) scared shatless because he is still in control of most of the GOP
You mean the people who are a) concerned that so many in our great country would fall for a conman or b) scared shatless because he is still in control of most of the GOP
C. Going to secretly vote for him again and put him back in the White House
I see Trump getting votes for other republicans but I don’t see him winning if he runs himself.
It's been hours since you shed tears here about your pathetic and invented fears, yet Expect2Lose has failed to label you a snowflake. I hope he's ok.
Not sure what in his quote there is crying but whining about whataboutisms and mocking user names because you have no defense. It's warming up around here. Don't stray to far away from a freezer.
You mean the people who are a) concerned that so many in our great country would fall for a conman or b) scared shatless because he is still in control of most of the GOP
That's your error.....people are not falling for his con......people would rather have a arrogant, womanizing, hyperbolic Dbag than a Leftist Democrat with globalization views who has a disdain for the rights drawn up by the constitution. You really think you can persuade people to change their views and Join your cultish cause. The fact is you tactic is polarizing.

I have no love for Trump and would prefer him not to run, but at this point I'm going to enjoy it if he get's re-elected, watching the Melt down from the Left will be epic, and no doubt Trump can't do as bad a job at Biden and his keystone cronies.
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Pay no mind to invictroll... 🤨
I am actually worried about him. It's almost 90 here today. I hope he doesn't go outside or he will melt. Should we send a Schwan's truck his way instead of a wambulance?

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