Have you seen this?

Originally posted by ag-man:

Wow, this story is not very complimentary of the way Obama is handling muslim terrorist. Deroy Murdock must be a racist.
The story is pretty silly to me. He doesn't cite anything about what Obama has or has not done, it's just vague comments about words.

The idea that Obama is not tough on Islamic terrorism is fundamentally misguided. Judge him on his actions. Obama and Bush have both run very strong Presidencies with robust domestic and international anti-terror programs. We have continued to fight the war on terror under Obama for six years running now. He's Mr. Drone War, Mr. Domestic Surveillance, and so on.

I think you can critique some of the strategy, but the idea that we aren't basically all-in on fighting crazy Islamists is silly.

Western Europe has a different game to play with Islamist groups than we do. Islam is a more significant domestic issue in many European countries. Our Muslim population is much smaller and much more integrated into society. France has to deal with the fact that it has a class of immigrant Muslims who live in poverty in slums with poor job prospects. That is a breeding ground for something like militant Islam.

I think Biden should have been in Paris, but I don't think that was a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Originally posted by ag-man:

Wow, this story is not very complimentary of the way Obama is handling muslim terrorist. Deroy Murdock must be a racist.
He also says saddam was behind 9/11
Originally posted by ag-man:

Deroy Murdock must be a racist.
Nice job, Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews would be proud.

I know you don't watch or listen, but you have been talking to someone who has, because that is from their playbook.

As for Murdock, he is just wrong. No need to label him as anything but that.
You must be mistaken Expect, that comes straight from the liberal playbook. Anybody criticizes the president, they must be a racist..........right?
No it's not. The liberal playbook is to use pesky things like facts and evidence.
The conservative playbook is to point fingers, and say I am right and if you disagree with me it's because you think I am ...
see Ben Carson's comments from the weekend. I am right, because liberals are going to call me wrong because I am ... crazy.

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