Hannibal vs Kearney

I think this one might just be an upset. Wish i could watch it. Some great football games tomorrow!
You mean you hope for a upset
No, prefer Kearney. Hannibal could be like Webb vs WP, but i don't think so. They have some pretty stout kids and look very good. If Webb's going out with a bang, i prefer it be against Kearney. You can take the going out with a bang how you want....i just prefer to meet up with K this year in the Dome. To great programs that may not meet up again for a long time.
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I think head to head matchups between west and east teams has shown to favor the west considerably. Granted, there have been exceptions. As I have seen neither team, based on past results I will say Kearney by 28 to 35. I simply think the west tends to play a little tougher competition and it pays off.
Predictions. Where is it at?
Heading out to catch this one in person: No idea what to really expect so I call it a TOSSUP. Battle is now back in the C5 semis and Hannibal knocked the Spartans off Week 9.................good as I do think K is they don't have a win like that on their resume.
Anyone pay the $10.95 fee to see if the game is televised like they said it would be on? I don't know if I trust the game to be on tv after paying

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