Gun Free Zones don't work ~DeSantis


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
but he won't speak unless it's a gun free zone.

You can't make this stuff up. Usual suspects will still support him after he becomes nominee.

Because R v D.

This man's name is Chris Rose.
He was arrested, on public property, for legally protesting an illegal act of gun control by the DeSantis campaign.
That's right, not only did DeSantis and the GOP illegally move to ban guns, they had someone who legally protested it arrested.
Here's what happened:
A few days ago, the Alachua County Republican Executive Committee hosted their annual "Ronald Reagan Black Tie And Blue Jeans" fundraising event, and DeSantis was their keynote speaker.
(How fitting that they named the event after Reagan the gun-grabber)
This event would be held at Legacy Park, which is public property.
They warned that guns would not be allowed at the event, despite the fact that Florida law doesn't allow public officials to limit gun ownership on public property beyond what the law already authorizes.
When Ann Stone, treasurer of the Alachua GOP, was informed of this, she replied "It might be the law, but Ron DeSantis is NOT speaking unless there are no guns or other weapons."
When Chris found out that DeSantis and his local GOP was violating Florida law and the 2nd amendment, he showed up to protest with his compatriot, Gun Owners of America FL Director Luis Valdes.
Chris stood on the sidewalk, which again is public property, and held a sign which said "I will not be disarmed by DeSantis".
After being told to leave by a private security guard, Alachua Police came and talked with Chris.
They confirmed that Chris was well within his rights to protest on a public sidewalk along a public park, and he continued.
Minutes later, the security guard came out again and told him to leave.
This time, police arrested Chris, and he spent the night in jail.
When asked why Alachua GOP broke the law, Stone blamed DeSantis and Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FLDE). "All I know is that he will not appear if there are guns there...they gave us the rules for having him on board, and that’s the rules they gave us.”
So then according to the local GOP, the Governor of Florida and the FLDE are ordering people to violate Florida law, and create "gun-free" zones on public property, or else DeSantis won't attend.
This is the same Ron DeSantis who correctly says that "gun-free" zones don't work.
But he's willing to violate the First Amendment, Second Amendment, and Florida law to keep private citizens with scary guns away from him.
A politician being a hypocritical coward who breaks the law? Perish the thought.
GOA has set up a page where you can send a message to the FL court telling them to drop all charges against Chris. I have filled it out, and encourage you to do so as well.
You know all Politician are hypocrites..... It so weird you have such a Double Standard. Democrats want more gun free area's more Gun Restrictions and the outright ban of weapons... but they all have Private Security and Govt Agents/LEO armed to the Hilt to protect them and their families. NO different than RD.

The Hypocrisy is what elected Officials do on both sides.

Do I agree with the Hypocrisy of RD? Nope it's BS that is for sure and could be Political Suicide, let's be honest really there is a huge portion of the GOP who hate the 2A as much as all the Dem's do, they just can't alienate that much of their base.. Most elites no matter what he side they are on don't like the Idea of private citizens having weapons of defense.

I also sent my pre-written and my own message to Brian Kramer through GOA along with my normal donation in support of what they do.

And Yes Gun Owners of America is my 2A organization of choice.

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