You are only proving what a true douche bag you are by that statement mr. Jones. And Very ignorant of how most people from this area are. Just because someone has a different opinion than you, you try to say they are racist. Typical. This kind of statement is as bad as some of the other crap on here about the St. Louis area. It does not belong on here. Keep your bigoted responses to yourself, or go over to the political crap board with it. I am tired of the double standard that exists in this country. None of this crap belongs on here! He simply has a different opinion than you based on very specific parameters. While I may not agree with him, it does not mean that it is automatically racially motivated. And keep your opinions about Southwest Missouri, and the good people that live here to yourself. You disgust me as much as the others making comments about the St. Louis area do. Stick to the topic. That statement would be considered micro aggressions according to the left wouldn't it? Or is that just us simple folk from BFE Southwest Missouri that are guilty of micro aggression? Pot meet Kettle.