According to this.... it's 20,000 but I guess the Press and the Fact checkers use slight of hand by saying Relevant.....But dang 300 laws is overly oppressive without a doubt. And 100% a infringement.
It's also BS and Bunk to say local laws don't matter because the Police clearly enforce those laws and local Prosecutors do prosecute based on local laws all the time and people are punished based on those laws. So that article and the U.S. News article etc. are 100% propaganda and 100% meant to sway public opinion in Favor of More laws and more Restrictions. And those articles are meant to cast doubt and legitimacy onto Gun Rights organizations.
And Clearly you don't give the Founding fathers enough credit. You don't think they understood that Arms technology would progress! That didn't factor into the 2nd amendment. It was written with the term ARMS so that no matter the progression of ARMS technology that the free citizen could and should obtain that Weaponry to protect one's Liberty and one's Property from other individuals and the Government.
Clearly not allowing a Person to Own a Full Auto Machine gun, Gatling Gun etc. is 100% infringement of mine or anyone else's right. Just because you don't think it is a infringement means you are wrong. Because those weapons are ARMS and it was a pretty clear Directive that Bearing Arms by the PEOPLE shall not be infringed.
But thank Goodness you can Own Full Automatic Weapons.....
Research Missouri state laws on machine guns and automatic firearms, including what's regulated and what's not. Learn gun law details from Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence today.
So yes you can own a Full Automatic weapon or a Gatling Gun, heck you can even own a Tank if you have a Federal Destructive Device Permit and the Money to do so.
I'm not against some Regulations, heck I'm not even against basic back ground Checks.....we have them. But whether it's 20K or 300 we have enough laws now. Banning Defensive weapons like AR-15 or High Capacity Mags is infringement plane and simple. And the Red Tape BS in places like Calif., Chicago, NJ, Wash. DC is clearly unconstitutional.
Also it's pretty clear that the 2nd Amendment is divided into to parts.....the Well regulated Militia Clause is clearly referencing anyone and everyone having the right to form a Militia outside that of the Gov. sanctioned Military, clearly as a defense against Gov. forces that could enslave the populace. Meaning me, you and anyone else could form one with out gov. restrictions or regulation.
Then you have the second part the Right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
I don't think it hard to comprehend that the PEOPLE is everyone and anyone can bear arms and the gov. shall not infringe on those rights. You don't have to be part of a Militia to own Arms...... Two separate portions of the Amendment.
But if Nutter anti-gunners want to play that game I guess all gun owners could just say we are all part of a Militia, that can't be regulated or restricted or infringed upon.
The 2nd Amendment is the FLY in the ointment of getting Rid of Guns or making owning them solely the possession of the Elite's. Hence all the Regulation, Restrictions and laws in a effort to end around the 2nd amendment.