I'm sure this is about 70 years earlier than anyone here cares, but girls basketball existed more than 100 years ago in some schools. In Chillicothe, the sport is mentioned in their 1907 yearbook
"The Chillicothe high school Basket Ball association was reorganized in the Fall as soon as studies were well under way. A great number of the best players were absent from school this year, some having graduated and others having stopped school.
"Last year the teams played in a hall that was narrow and had a low ceiling but this year by the help of some boys and a workman, the campus east of the High School was prepared for playing the games.
"It was something new to the citizens of Chillicothe to see girls in suits, playing basket ball, but after a few practices it became old and the girls were no longer eyed with curiosity.
"the girls played several practice games and receiving a challenge from the Missouri Wesleyn College, they accepted and met the team at the Cameron Gymnasium Dec 1.
"The best players of the Chillicothe association were selected to play but it was their first experience in a matched game and ----.
"There being no gymnasium, the girls are at a disadvantage but there is plenty of material for good players in the C.H.S. and in the near future the Chillicothe high school will send out a basketball team that will know no defeat.
The best early era basketball team for Chillicothe girls was 1924-25 when they went 10-0-1 (yes there was a tie) and won a large tournament called the Northwest Missouri Championship Tournament in which they won. The trophy is still on display at CHS.
Interestingly enough, Boys basketball didn't begin until 1910-11 year. Girls basketball ended after 1928 as the school changed girls athletics to intermural only. It wouldn't return until 1974-75.