Fuller leaving the Tigers....................

Pure Swing

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2004
This is not a shocker.........Anderson and Fuller are like oil and water. The real question is how many players will jump ship?
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

Kim Anderson and his present Missouri staff have very little D-1 experience. I believe we need an experience D-1 recruiter and an experience practice coach. If you believe the above, another asst coach or two @ Missouri must find another job. Kim Anderson got his dream job @ Missouri when he was 59 years old. He should have hired an experienced D-1 staff when he got the Missouri position, this is not the time to reward favors, this is business. If Kim employs a coach without experience, he should be someone from Missouri. ( A coach that's one of us, like Cory Tate or Justin Tatum )
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

Agreed. Hire Justin Tatum and steal Michael Porter Sr. from the women's program................if their son's come to Mizzou.
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

Metro you keep insisting that Mizzou hire a staff with D-1 experience then follow that up the names Tatum and or Tate. Tell us where either of those two have any D-1 coaching experience. Being from Missouri doesn't make you anybody a D-1 coach or recruiter. Honest question because I don't know, does Duke, Kansas or North Carolina have assistants and recruiters from their state? How many kids do they even recruit from their own state? Do their fans raise heck if they don't recruit kids from their home state?
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

I don't want to speak for Metro, but he said if they couldn't get a coach with D-1 experience, go after Tatum or Tate.

You have to wonder what Anderson is thinking, he's letting a coach leave with 5 D-1 wins under his belt...........Anderson only has 9.
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

3Rfan, I'm saying both Justin Tatum and Cory Tate have the package to be successful @ a D-1 University. Both Justin and Cory were successful high school and successful college players ( St. Louis University and Missouri ) Cory coaches the St. Louis Eagles who normally recruit top players from the St. Louis area ( Plus Fred Thatch, the freshman sensation from Sikeston. Mo ) Justin Tatum has a son who is one of the top players in America, Justin has won numerous state championships @ Soldan and now CBC. I believe the above can substitute for the experience needed to be successful @ the D-1 college level until they can gain the experience.

Justin Tatum has a friend ( Larry Hughes ) who has an 11 years old son who will be a player competing @ a high level very soon. It appears both Justin Tatum and Cory Tate have established ties with the top talent in St. Louis and other areas for years to come. This is the type of connection Kim Anderson and the Missouri Tigers need to recruit locally. I'm not saying hire both Cory and Justin ( One would do ) but the " Connection Factor " from either would over ride the experience providing the other two Missouri asst are @ the top of their game.

We need to get excited again about the Missouri basketball program and this could give hope for the future.

This post was edited on 3/24 11:29 PM by metro-dude
Let me see if I have this right.....

Anderson just came off a National Championship at the D-2 level in college and that isn't enough experience, but someone that won a state championship in high school does?

I'll give you the connection factor with the top talent in the area, but I have a tough time believing any great player in Missouri is going to pick Mizzou over Duke, Kentucky, Carolina, etc.
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

Pure Swing what he said was if Anderson doesn't go after assistant coaches with D-1 experience he should go after guys from Missouri like us. Have either of the names mentioned influenced a great player from Missouri to go to Mizzou? Do they have that kind of influence with players?
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

So you really want the kids and not what they know or do? I agree both would be great, but lets get them for the right reason
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

They should have hired Calipari a long time ago with his Missouri ties and we would not be talking of this!!
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

Anderson has more experience as a practice coach, game coach, recruiter, and knowledge than Tatum and Tate combined. I would have no problem with either joining his staff, but not ready to crown either as a savior. Give the man a chance to build the program his way with his players.

Metro, not sure what you were implying with the "one of us" remark regarding Tate and Tatum. KIm Anderson is "one of us" IMO.
Re: Fuller leaving ( This is Kim's opportunity to get it right )

I agree with you on all of that Bogey. I would not have a problem if Tate or Tatum were hired at Mizzou but they most certainly don't have the kind the D-! experience Metro so desires except as players and Kim Anderson has that plus a D-2 National Championship as an NCAA head coach.
The fine line players or " Players in disguise "

3rfan and Bogey, We can have one inexperienced coach on the staff @ Missouri if the head coach and the other two asst. have D-1 experience. This was not the case @ Missouri. There appears to be a big adjustment between coaching D-2 and D-1 players. Recruiting is also different. There is a fine line between a mid major D-1 player and a above average D-2 player. Can we name a few D-2 coaches hired by D-1 programs who were successful?

Kim Anderson won his D-2 national championship with ten D-1 transfers ( Over the past few years ) from D-1 programs across America. Most of these players were good D-2 players in disguise on D-1 rosters. This is the fine line coaches talk about. These " Disguise " players look like D-1 players, played like D-1 players against lower competition but when lined up against real talent, they were a step slow, could not adjust or just plain " Did not fit in". How many D-2 players were on the Missouri roster this year?

Kim Anderson can not build a strong Missouri program based on Transfers. How many Missouri recruits in the last two years will be " Players in Disguise "?

Correction on the transfers by Anderson by Bigelw

This post was edited on 3/26 2:29 PM by metro-dude
The fine line players or " Players in disguise "

Tigers have a great D2 player now in Ryan Rosburg. He would look great in a Central Missouri uniform.
Mizzou will not get the top talent

in the state for years to come. It took Pinkel 12 years before he started circling the HS stadiums in Pinkel-1 and kids thought wow he is coming to look at me. Stop making changes and leave Anderson alone. I will be the first to admit he is boring as hell to listen to and watch on the sideline, but it's not about that. The facilities are there and it has nothing to do with the color of the skin of the head coach or assistants.
How can you put the words (experience-Tate-Tatum) in the same sentence? We would be a top 10 program had Mike Anderson not left but the revolving door is killing us.
Re: Mizzou will not get the top talent

Originally posted by IAMMU:
We would be a top 10 program had Mike Anderson not left but the revolving door is killing us.
Extremely subjective viewpoint. Where has SMA ever built and maintained a "top 10 program"?
Re: The fine line players or " Players in disguise "

Don't know where him having 10 D-1 player transfers is coming from he only had 1 D-1 transfer on that team.
Re: Mizzou will not get the top talent

Originally posted by Eagles_Ball:

Originally posted by IAMMU:
We would be a top 10 program had Mike Anderson not left but the revolving door is killing us.
Extremely subjective viewpoint. Where has SMA ever built and maintained a "top 10 program"?
At this point in time Mizzou would settle for a top 50 program, so...

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