For Ag's benefit

Who's definition of "right" are we talking about? :confused:

Is that not the real dilemma in politics?
Your right is my wrong...
Your facts are my fiction...

In some rare cases opposites agree. I'm against the death penalty for instance....

To say one is against science simply because they don't believe those you trust in is just wrong no matter which side your on....
Integrity to do what's right out ways winning at all cost.
Stay a Democrat...please
integrity...I don't think that word means what you think it means.

It fascinates me how many people share your self defeating attitude. You'd think you'd learn that doesn't work by trying it out in your personal life. Good luck telling your boss or your wife that things have to be 100 percent your way all the time or you're going to take your ball and go home. Politics isn't any different. You play for the best deal you can get and you kill what you can't live with.
Is that not the real dilemma in politics?
Your right is my wrong...
Your facts are my fiction...

In some rare cases opposites agree. I'm against the death penalty for instance....

To say one is against science simply because they don't believe those you trust in is just wrong no matter which side your on....
No, if one side says the sky is blue and one side says it is green, you can assume one of them is actually wrong. It's not really about Rs being against science, it's about the fact that you can't trust people to be in power who can be that fantastically wrong about a simple issue where the experts are in agreement. You can trust they will advocate for bad positions because their grasps of the facts are disconnected from reality.

It's a major problem in the R party - antiintellectualism. Distrust of experts because they are elites. Look at their disdain for most economists because those economists point out the incoherence of their policy proposals, such as a fascination with debt in a country that can borrow money at a cost below inflation.

Questions about scientific facts are questions of right and wrong. Questions of policy, like what is the right tax rate, don't exist in the same realm.
No, if one side says the sky is blue and one side says it is green, you can assume one of them is actually wrong

Questions about scientific facts are questions of right and wrong. Questions of policy, like what is the right tax rate, don't exist in the same realm.

Well I guess you will never be satisfied with any example I use but for what it's worth...
Tell me one of all knowledge, where does conception start and end.
You being a man of science, should have no problem with that...
Even better is how the plastic raises estrogen levels in men.
Guess that generation has an excuse for being soft. That and video games ensure they're all nice and fluffy.
Plastics are a good example of the unknown unknowns.

Man's activities have more consequences than we realize.
Well I guess you will never be satisfied with any example I use but for what it's worth...
Tell me one of all knowledge, where does conception start and end.
You being a man of science, should have no problem with that...
Also noticed that you never answered my first question from a week ago...
Where does infinity start and where does it end?
You might need a little help from Robert Hooke.
Also noticed that you never answered my first question from a week ago...
Where does infinity start and where does it end?
You might need a little help from Robert Hooke.

It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person, it's impossible to win one with an idiot. Scout is an idiot, he still believes the Tea Party is viable and a 90+ percent majority of experts are either wrong or lying to keep the grant money rolling in. You can't reason with this.
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100% of Natural Gas lines kill people when they rupture yet their in most homes. To be 100% sure no one dies from gun shots then we need to ban guns. Don't get the logic...but then again I'm not liberal.

If I had a week, I couldn't explain to you all the fallacies in this...statement I guess you'd call it.
If I had a week, I couldn't explain to you all the fallacies in this...statement I guess you'd call it.[/QUOT

You seem to be intelligent enough ...
What is your answer to the questions?

When does conception start and when does it end?

Where is the start and where is the end of infinity?

Does GOD really exists ?

Liberal science surely has given you the answer.
It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person, it's impossible to win one with an idiot. Scout is an idiot, he still believes the Tea Party is viable and a 90+ percent majority of experts are either wrong or lying to keep the grant money rolling in. You can't reason with this.

I will give you that you can't reason with someone who believes in their heart that their right.

Why then do you keep trying???

01) P-Kn4 P-Q3
02) P-Kb4 Q-R5 (ck) and mate
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Let's see if I understand your train of thought...because there are some unanswerable questions, ALL "liberal" smh science isn't to be trusted?

Or are you calling me stupid for not being able to answer a question that NO ONE can answer?
Let's see if I understand your train of thought...because there are some unanswerable questions, ALL "liberal" smh science isn't to be trusted?

Or are you calling me stupid for not being able to answer a question that NO ONE can answer?

You know sometimes when people are insulted, they turn on the person who insults them.
I've been on this site for over 6 years and have never called anyone an idiot.
I've never posted an MSNBC "The ED SHOW" talking point that Conservatives are dumb people who don't understand, care about, or except science.
I've never went out of my way to hurt anyone except in fun.

Today I'll make an exception...

"You people", and you know who you are, are followers.

You post your wildest hate driven thoughts on a sports political site that was designed for fun and think somehow someone cares...

I've yet to have anyone except Expect2Win see through my post.

I have never been the person I portray here yet you foolish followers cant see anything but what you want to see.

The charade is over, it's time to move on.

Hopefully someday you will understand like Expect that this is not a meeting of the minds and your not experts at's just for "fun".

Perhaps in the future I'll see some of you at HSF games where we can talk and you'll see just how wrong you were about me...

Until then...
Go Kearney, Go Webb City
Yea High School Football
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You know sometimes when people are insulted, they turn on the person who insults them.
I've been on this site for over 6 years and have never called anyone an idiot.
I've never posted an MSNBC "The ED SHOW" talking point that Conservatives are dumb people who don't understand, care about, or except science.
I've never went out of my way to hurt anyone except in fun.

Today I'll make an exception...

"You people", and you know who you are, are followers.

You post your wildest hate driven thoughts on a sports political site that was designed for fun and think somehow someone cares...rediculous

I've yet to have anyone except Exspect2Win see through my post.

I have never been the person I portray here yet you foolish followers cant see anything but what you want to see.

The charade is over, it's time to move on.

Hopefully someday you will understand like Expect that this is not a meeting of the minds and your not experts at's just for "fun".

Perhaps in the future I'll see some of you at HSF games where we can talk and you'll see just how wrong you were about me...

Until then...
Go Kearney, Go Webb City
Yea High School Football

You misspelled ridiculous.
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Infinity never started and it never ends or it isn't infinity!
Wasn't that hard after all let alone impossible.
Is that not the real dilemma in politics?
Your right is my wrong...
Your facts are my fiction...

In some rare cases opposites agree. I'm against the death penalty for instance....

To say one is against science simply because they don't believe those you trust in is just wrong no matter which side your on....
You answered your own problem Scout. You view facts as fiction. Thank you for admitting it. There is no your facts. Facts are facts and not disputed, but in the PUbs minds facts are fiction. Thanks
You answered your own problem Scout. You view facts as fiction. Thank you for admitting it. There is no your facts. Facts are facts and not disputed, but in the PUbs minds facts are fiction. Thanks

Ok, great you win.
I'm just looking forward to the next season of HSF, not being badgered by another political expert...

Ok, great you win.
I'm just looking forward to the next season of HSF, not being badgered by another political expert...
Yahoo!! victory, victory, let's repeat it!! Never will I be defeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't scout say he was leaving and never coming back? I was so excited