Let's see if I understand your train of thought...because there are some unanswerable questions, ALL "liberal" smh science isn't to be trusted?
Or are you calling me stupid for not being able to answer a question that NO ONE can answer?
You know sometimes when people are insulted, they turn on the person who insults them.
I've been on this site for over 6 years and have never called anyone an idiot.
I've never posted an MSNBC "The ED SHOW" talking point that Conservatives are dumb people who don't understand, care about, or except science.
I've never went out of my way to hurt anyone except in fun.
Today I'll make an exception...
"You people", and you know who you are, are followers.
You post your wildest hate driven thoughts on a sports political site that was designed for fun and think somehow someone cares...
I've yet to have anyone except Expect2Win see through my post.
I have never been the person I portray here yet you foolish followers cant see anything but what you want to see.
The charade is over, it's time to move on.
Hopefully someday you will understand like Expect that this is not a meeting of the minds and your not experts at anything....it's just for "fun".
Perhaps in the future I'll see some of you at HSF games where we can talk and you'll see just how wrong you were about me...
Until then...
Go Kearney, Go Webb City
Yea High School Football