I have done a lot of reading, watching, and listening on this topic. And I am glad I am not in charge. This thing is going to be around making people sick until there is a vaccine. Period.
Can you prohibit people from traveling between states? Counties?
You can be tested on Friday and become infected at a football game on Friday night or in church Sunday morning.
If you are a grandparent do you want to go
months and months without hugging your
grandkids? If you have an elderly parent living alone, do you want to stay away from them for months and months?
How do you take 6 groups of 30 students to the weight room for workouts without spreading germs out the butt? They aren’t going to wipe it down well enough every period. You going to wipe down the locker room every period?
The most popular restaurant in my town is a buffet at the end of my road. Do you see yourself ever eating at a buffet again?
How can we cram 70,000 people into a Chiefs game given the current status? You going to tailgate?
This is going to change the way we live. At least until the vaccine is everywhere. There are a lot of different questions to be answered and we have to customize the answers for every location and situation.