High School Basketball------Oct. 29----------First possible game-----Nov. 12
High School Speech----------Oct. 8-----------First Contest--------------Oct. 1
Do we have anyone out there on the Speech team for your high school? I can not remember anyone recruiting for the Speech and Theater team or violations of any kind.
Springfield Glendale was the champions in the large schools last season. msubears must be very proud of this championship.
Gunnow Nobel/Gillian Hoogstraet---# 1
High School Speech----------Oct. 8-----------First Contest--------------Oct. 1
Do we have anyone out there on the Speech team for your high school? I can not remember anyone recruiting for the Speech and Theater team or violations of any kind.
Springfield Glendale was the champions in the large schools last season. msubears must be very proud of this championship.
Gunnow Nobel/Gillian Hoogstraet---# 1
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