Feds are mirroring Missouri


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
I feel fortunate that I got on SS and Medicare recently. The Trusk Dogs are going to cut staff and continue to close offices and eliminate telephone contact at SS offices to make it as difficult as possible to communicate with SS. It always screws the rural folks and the poor the most. Some towns are 100 miles from the nearest SS office.

Same thing Missouri has done with Medicaid.
When we voted for the Medicaid expansion the GOP was pissed and tried to stop it. When the judge said no, they pivoted to underfunding, understaffing and not updating the offices so now it takes an average of 45 days after application to get insured. The worst Medicaid turnaround time in the country.

Making government as inefficient as possible so people will give up is their dream.

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