FB coach covers up covid to play?

Farmer Fran IS the godfather!!! @StefanDjordjevich
Sniffles have historically killed people. All of those through the centuries who have died from the sniffles(trillions of people), were infected by someone else who had the sniffles. We will always live with sniffles that can kill, accidents that can kill, diets that can kill, drugs that can kill, insects that can kill, automobiles that can kill, allergies that can kill. We all Eventually die from things that are harmless most of the time. This virus fits those categories. The only difference is the crazy liberals who are rooting for a crisis and the scared phobic-mania people begging us to join them.
Uhhh ... Trump and scare tactics.
Wait...there was a Doc Guy BEFORE Stef?? No way Farmer Fran is the godfather....
Ah yes! The classic Doc Guy banter. The Mox is gay, Joe is a drunk, and I'm fat. Boys, I think we finally got the band back TOGETHER!!
Oh pre date Stef!!! You could very possibly be the FIRST Doc Guy on MoSports. Which would make you.....the godfather........
We are truly in strange times my friend. Farmer Fran predates Stef by YEARS!!! He also meets the qualifications to be a Doc Guy.
Farmer Fran IS the godfather!!! @StefanDjordjevich

He isnt Farmer Fran. Doesnt talk like him or act like him. It is obviously just a post name... and their is only one godfather

He isnt Farmer Fran. Doesnt talk like him or act like him. It is obviously just a post name... and their is only one godfather
I dont know, Stef. Farmer Fran meets all the qualifications of being a Doc Guy. He is alive, starred in a sports doc, and his profile picture is himself. We very well might have a new Doc Guy godfather.
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There ya have it, @StefanDjordjevich !! I think we have a new Doc Guy godfather!!
You're full of crap, man. You just sit there in your home office. A new doc guy here, no godfather there. He goes. He stays. Who in the hell gave you that power? You're just a retired booster club president. I mean... I don't know....What...what...I don't know.

I gotta run....

You know, Bosko, you are not God! Huh? You're just a mill worker
You're full of crap, man. You just sit there in your home office. A new doc guy here, no godfather there. He goes. He stays. Who in the hell gave you that power? You're just a retired booster club president. I mean... I don't know....What...what...I don't know.

I gotta run....

You know, Bosko, you are not God! Huh? You're just a mill worker
You're full of crap, man. You just sit there in your home office. A new doc guy here, no godfather there. He goes. He stays. Who in the hell gave you that power? You're just a retired booster club president. I mean... I don't know....What...what...I don't know.

I gotta run....

You know, Bosko, you are not God! Huh? You're just a mill worker
RETIRED steel mill worker!!! Farmer Fran outdates you, Stef!! Im only presenting FACTS!!! Even Drunk Joe and Bobby agree with me!

Furthermore, I was the one who said I doubt Farmer Fran has that great of writing abilities and questioned his legitimacy!! I left it up to BOBBY!!! Once Bobby weighed in, I agreed with him. So, NICE TRY YOU CLOWN!!!!
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Hell yea, Stef!!!! You and Gerry would have been great teammates. But the lowly mill worker who could never escape that rat infested town blackballed a disabled hero.
GERRY IS DEAD!!!! He had to be voted in!!! I did NOT blackball him. If I blackballed him, then EVERY Doc Guy who voted no blackballed him!! NICE TRY!!!
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RETIRED steel mill worker!!! Farmer Fran outdates you, Stef!! Im only presenting FACTS!!! Even Drunk Joe and Bobby agree with me!

Furthermore, I was the one who said I doubt Farmer Fran has that great of writing abilities and questioned his legitimacy!! I left it up to BOBBY!!! Once Bobby weighed in, I agreed with him. So, NICE TRY YOU CLOWN!!!!
Fran may have been here first but never claimed to be a Doc guy! Stef is godfather and always will be!
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Dude, he doesn’t play by ANY rules. The only thing he knows about law and order is it doesn’t apply to him. He is a cancer on our country and he will be removed.
His removal, if it happens, will be the beginning of the end for our country as we know it. You will be begging for him to come back.
His removal, if it happens, will be the beginning of the end for our country as we know it. You will be begging for him to come back.

My fellow football aficionados:

People have been saying "this is the end..." since the beginning. George W. Bush didn't "destroy the country," contrary to a lot of democratic rhetoric; Obama didn't "destroy the country," contrary to a lot of republican rhetoric; and this guy hasn't "destroyed the country," contrary to nearly anyone who isn't a supporter of his.

Interestingly enough, the president who came closest to "destroying the country" (and slave-holders, along with a huge portion of the country, were pretty certain at the time that he did destroy it) is one of our most revered and beloved presidents, but only because the passage of time allowed people to see that one of the accepted (though not universally approved-of) institutions present at our country's founding wasn't actually acceptable.

I'd bet everything I own that whoever the next president is won't "destroy the country," even if it's the current fellow. If "destroying the country" means having policies that you don't agree with, then every president ever elected has "destroyed the country" because every president ever elected has had large swaths of people who disagreed with their policies.

All this campaign-year hyperbole is foolish and ridiculously transparent in its intentions. Enough with the bad-faith rhetoric on all sides. We all need to grow up and stop letting politicians use simple-minded strategies on us, because that is what they are--strategies. They know what "plays well" with different groups, and they adapt their rhetoric to that. If we aren't able see that for what it is, then maybe the American experiment will fail sooner rather than later. But as much as we'll blame it on the politicians, it won't be the their fault--they're just going after low-hanging fruit; it will be our fault for being the low-hanging fruit.

We all have the ability to logically reason; we just need to actually use it instead of letting confirmation bias and our personal echo chamber guide all of our thinking.

Football, anyone?