FB coach covers up covid to play?

Hey Coach...I was at a party and some people there tested positive.

Cool...Hook em.
I think a good portion of the world is starting to identify with the "cool, hook em" response. The more truth that comes out of the numbers, the more opinions are changing. Rona bro is losing support.
Second wave is coming.
Second wave is coming.
Farmer Fran Should be a doc guy.

Eagles is right. My wife’s cuz is on a ventilator at Barnes because it’s just a freakin “sniffle”. People are begging for prayers on Facebook because one of my former co-workers has a “cold” she got from her grand kids. You should call up their kids and tell them it’s really not affecting anybody. Truly despicable.
So sorry that your wife's family is going through this terrible virus. My friend was hospitalized at Barnes for over a week. It is terrible. I am very concerned based on what I am hearing within colleagues within our school district. The transparency is not so transparent nor accurate.
These are not “old” nor unhealthy people.
Neither of them are obese, neither smoke nor drink.

Unfortunately, the views of many are that if it's not a huge percentage of the population or directly impacting them, then it doesn't matter, its overexaggerated, or it (or the precautions) are just creating fear. I am very worried for the exposure I experience every day at school and then the exposure to my intermediate family and external family members. I laugh when the numbnuts constantly post "stay at home". As if it's that easy. Especially if you are a caregiver to your elderly parents. Again, because it doesn't directly impact others, they can't see the forest for the trees.
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Eagles is right. My wife’s cuz is on a ventilator at Barnes because it’s just a freakin “sniffle”. People are begging for prayers on Facebook because one of my former co-workers has a “cold” she got from her grand kids. You should call up their kids and tell them it’s really not affecting anybody. Truly despicable.
And that’s the horrible side of this virus. And it sucks. But the truth in numbers is there has been 203,000 deaths. The CDC says 70% of the deaths have been 70+ AND have two major underlying issues as defined by CDC. So roughly .017% of the “healthy” population. While even one is awful, that’s not a reason to hinder the growth and development of the youth of our nation.
Half of Springfield Catholic staff has it, and assistant coach Ozzie Riley (former Mt Vernon HC) is hospitalized. This stuff is no joke
no one said it was. But repeatedly mocking a virus and acting like this is some sort of scam that won’t possibly affect a teenagers family is BS.
I’ve never pretended it was a scam. I’ll mock the flu too, and it will kill thousands as well. Since late May/early June my one and only premise has been we’ve been fed a narrative that just isn’t true. And we are making decisions (schools and this virtual crap/athletic contests and seasons being cancelled) all over the country based on an EXTREMELY small sector of the population. I’m not an anti-masker, although I think they’re basically worthless. I’m not a fake virus guy. What I am is a real virus, fake pandemic guy. And we’re doing some serious damage to the growth and development of our youth because of it...That doesn’t mean that it’s not horrible for each and every family touched by this. It truly is.
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Unfortunately, the views of many are that if it's not a huge percentage of the population or directly impacting them, then it doesn't matter, its overexaggerated, or it (or the precautions) are just creating fear. I am very worried for the exposure I experience every day at school and then the exposure to my intermediate family and external family members. I laugh when the numbnuts constantly post "stay at home". As if it's that easy. Especially if you are a caregiver to your elderly parents. Again, because it doesn't directly impact others, they can't see the forest for the trees.
Your anecdotal evidence of “I know a person who...” is not science. I know a guy who cured his cancer by eating rotten meat every day. For real.
Unfortunately, the views of many are that if it's not a huge percentage of the population or directly impacting them, then it doesn't matter, its overexaggerated, or it (or the precautions) are just creating fear. I am very worried for the exposure I experience every day at school and then the exposure to my intermediate family and external family members. I laugh when the numbnuts constantly post "stay at home". As if it's that easy. Especially if you are a caregiver to your elderly parents. Again, because it doesn't directly impact others, they can't see the forest for the trees.
A million “likes.” I keep saying that those “numbers” are actual “people.” But until you are hit or someone you love is hit ...
Eagles is right. My wife’s cuz is on a ventilator at Barnes because it’s just a freakin “sniffle”. People are begging for prayers on Facebook because one of my former co-workers has a “cold” she got from her grand kids. You should call up their kids and tell them it’s really not affecting anybody. Truly despicable.
Sniffles have historically killed people. All of those through the centuries who have died from the sniffles(trillions of people), were infected by someone else who had the sniffles. We will always live with sniffles that can kill, accidents that can kill, diets that can kill, drugs that can kill, insects that can kill, automobiles that can kill, allergies that can kill. We all Eventually die from things that are harmless most of the time. This virus fits those categories. The only difference is the crazy liberals who are rooting for a crisis and the scared phobic-mania people begging us to join them.
Get a grip on reality, Looney tunes.
Liberals often resort to name calling as a way of de-humanizing the other side. This, of course, is straight from the children’s book “Rules For Radicals.” I call it a children’s book because it reads like a social experiment conducted on a kindergarten playground. Liberals name call and throw tantrums and try to convince us all the sky is falling so they can get their way. The liberal conscience has been so seared that they do not recognize this behavior in themselves. They are blind not only to truth but also to their own motives and emotions. Like children.
Liberals often resort to name calling as a way of de-humanizing the other side. This, of course, is straight from the children’s book “Rules For Radicals.” I call it a children’s book because it reads like a social experiment conducted on a kindergarten playground. Liberals name call and throw tantrums and try to convince us all the sky is falling so they can get their way. The liberal conscience has been so seared that they do not recognize this behavior in themselves. They are blind not only to truth but also to their own motives and emotions. Like children.
Uhhh ... Trump and name calling.
Spewing nonsense comparing this virus to cars and insects is silly and insulting. It was much more efficient to simply say “Looney tunes”.

The virus doesn’t care about your political leanings. Just ask the Gov of Mo or the Gov of Virginia.
How do they know what the virus is thinking? Did I miss something?

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