Fan Strike, until MU football players acknowledge "priviledge" to free education

Ok, I'm not following you. Are you denying that racism is not an issue on the campus of MU? I understand there have been some isolated events, not "rampant oppression", which is what was claimed. Was not the issue a race issue? No, I don't believe it was. It was the tool the group used to get the attention they needed to serve their agenda. Did he make it up? The isolated events? No. Rampant oppression? Yes. Please explain. Is he just a tard that cried wolf misinformed and warped by the PC flower children? No, the issue at the center of all this was a political battle over grad student benefits. He described indifference by the admin.I don't care if it was an isolated incident, if this kid came forward with evidence that should have involved the admin attention, then why didn't they act? I think Wolfe acknowledged he could have done more. But just because none of this was made public doesn't mean nothing was done. Pretty sure I read an article in the Tribune that explained one of the students involved in one of the isolated events was expelled based on findings from an investigation stemming from that event. Most people in public schools do. However rediculous this thing is, Wolfe could have prevented the situation by investigating. I don't believe that one bit. Mellennials are coddled constituents, why not understand the gravity of this before it came to this. The only reason the issue came to conclusion was the football team, right? Absolutely true, IMO

Lets not forget this place of rampant oppression elected a black, gay president of the student body. Racism is ugly and sad no matter how isolated the incidents. But so is sensationalizing an issue, and using it to serve a political cause. The stain this entire situation will leave in Columbia will last a while. Very unfortunate, and there are many to blame. On both sides.
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As an embarrased MU fan, I choose to boycott being a fan until each of those scholarship football players acknowledges their "priviledge" regardless of race to get a free or discounted college education. Most of the kids around them either go in debt 100k or their parents cover. Embarrasing to watch this display. This will not end here and will continue to be a bigger issue moving forward.

You are judging the nonviolent actions of students and faculty to provoke change and you can't spell privilege. Priceless.
You are judging the nonviolent actions of students and faculty to provoke change and you can't spell privilege. Priceless.

To provoke change of what? They're still doing their BS protesting. They just don't know what for.

Any grad student or prof that cancels class to go protest, needs to have their employment terminated.
I agree, they don't live in the real world. Take your hunger strike and try to keep a job. I ask though, why is a college education so expensive? why do students have accumulate so much debt. The cost is astronomical.
Well someone has to pay all of thouse scholarships and perks so that the athletes can decide if they want to play or not and what demands must be met first. You don't expect the schools to pay for them do you?
As an embarrased MU fan, I choose to boycott being a fan until each of those scholarship football players acknowledges their "priviledge" regardless of race to get a free or discounted college education. Most of the kids around them either go in debt 100k or their parents cover. Embarrasing to watch this display. This will not end here and will continue to be a bigger issue moving forward.

I'm in...
Until they start winning

I think we should view these players for the uneducated pawns manipulated with an emotional appeal to get behind a very hollow case by students and faculty with an agenda. I really don't see a reason to come down too hard on kids that in my opinion allowed themselves to be used nor a coach that put the interest of his players and program above two administrators, who by all accounts were on their way out anyway. All his complacency with his players revolt did was speed up what was going to happen and bring the media to cover and expose the facts or lack there of pertaining to the protest.

Ultimately the blowback of these type movements will be to end Universities' policies that actively seek to create diversity by artificial means. It's the classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.
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Students at Vanderbilt petitioning school to remove Christian Professor. Those petitioning never were in her class room. Name is Carol Swain. Look it up on net.
This is why I don't agree with MU not taking stronger stance with the privileged players on full scholarships. If you don't fight back, quickly and firmly, this is going to spiral out of control. In my opinion, it already has. MU is just seeing the beginning of their troubles.
I'm in...
Until they start winning

I think we should view these players for the uneducated pawns manipulated with an emotional appeal to get behind a very hollow case by students and faculty with an agenda. I really don't see a reason to come down too hard on kids that in my opinion allowed themselves to be used nor a coach that put the interest of his players and program above two administrators, who by all accounts were on their way out anyway. All his complacency with his players revolt did was speed up what was going to happen and bring the media to cover and expose the facts or lack there of pertaining to the protest.

Ultimately the blowback of these type movements will be to end Universities' policies that actively seek to create diversity by artificial means. It's the classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.

I appreciate the perspective you have written. Could you please clarify the meaning of these two points. Did you mean to use the word "complacency"?
  • Ultimately the blowback of these type movements will be to end Universities' policies that actively seek to create diversity by artificial means. It's the classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.
  • All his complacency with his players revolt did was speed up what was going to happen and bring the media to cover and expose the facts or lack there of pertaining to the protest.

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