Ok, I'm not following you. Are you denying that racism is not an issue on the campus of MU? I understand there have been some isolated events, not "rampant oppression", which is what was claimed. Was not the issue a race issue? No, I don't believe it was. It was the tool the group used to get the attention they needed to serve their agenda. Did he make it up? The isolated events? No. Rampant oppression? Yes. Please explain. Is he just a tard that cried wolf misinformed and warped by the PC flower children? No, the issue at the center of all this was a political battle over grad student benefits. He described indifference by the admin.I don't care if it was an isolated incident, if this kid came forward with evidence that should have involved the admin attention, then why didn't they act? I think Wolfe acknowledged he could have done more. But just because none of this was made public doesn't mean nothing was done. Pretty sure I read an article in the Tribune that explained one of the students involved in one of the isolated events was expelled based on findings from an investigation stemming from that event. Most people in public schools do. However rediculous this thing is, Wolfe could have prevented the situation by investigating. I don't believe that one bit. Mellennials are coddled constituents, why not understand the gravity of this before it came to this. The only reason the issue came to conclusion was the football team, right? Absolutely true, IMO
Lets not forget this place of rampant oppression elected a black, gay president of the student body. Racism is ugly and sad no matter how isolated the incidents. But so is sensationalizing an issue, and using it to serve a political cause. The stain this entire situation will leave in Columbia will last a while. Very unfortunate, and there are many to blame. On both sides.