Kids don't transfer for athletic reasons. They transfer for academic reasons and just happen to be good at sports. After 10-11 years at a school parents decided the "education" isn't good enough and move them.Transferred? A parent should have custody. The Rules state that the entire family has to move.
- If you transfer schools, you will be ineligible for 365 days, unless your circumstances meet one of the exceptions listed in the MSHSAA Residence and Transfer Rules (By-Law 3.10). Make an appointment with the school's athletic director to review these exceptions. Several, but not all, are described below.
- Exception 1: If you move with your entire family to your new school district, you will be eligible at your new school provided you were eligible in all other respects at your former school and provided there are no other issues with the transfer. You and your entire family must move to the new residence at the same time prior to attending classes.
- Always check with your school principal or athletic director before you transfer to determine whether it will affect your eligibility.
- Discipline follows a student to a new school. Being expelled from a school also causes 365 days of ineligibility for a student.
- Exception 2: A student may be eligible immediately at the school of his or her choice upon first being promoted from the 8th grade into the 9th grade, provided the student is eligible in all other respects.
- Exception 10: Foreign Exchange Students are eligible for varsity competition for one year only and only if they are seniors (semester 7 or 8), provided they are participating in an exchange program listed by CSIET. However, no member of the school's coaching staff for the sport concerned may serve as a host family.
- You shall become ineligible for 365 days if you transfer to another school for athletic reasons.