In the past couple weeks a 6-year-old shot his teacher and a 72-year-old committed a massacre. But you evil people wanting to limit gun access better cut it out. We don’t have a problem. Freeeeeedom!
Ok c'mon everybody needs to be able to fire 42 shots and in a matter seconds. NO need to limit the capacity of magazines. Already have another shooting in ole Cali.In the past couple weeks a 6-year-old shot his teacher and a 72-year-old committed a massacre. But you evil people wanting to limit gun access better cut it out. We don’t have a problem. Freeeeeedom!
Do you believe that stopping the average citizens from having a high capacity mag will stop crazy criminals from getting them? Do you not think a illegal trade will develop? And really how often is a high capacity mag used in gun deaths? And when Biden claims a 9 round mag is high capacity well that explains the nuttery on the Side of the Left.Ok c'mon everybody needs to be able to fire 42 shots and in a matter seconds. NO need to limit the capacity of magazines. Already have another shooting in ole Cali.
Ok c'mon everybody needs to be able to fire 42 shots and in a matter seconds. NO need to limit the capacity of magazines. Already have another shooting in ole Cali.
And most countries in the world don't have our Freedoms and Liberties ingrained in the constitution and bill of rights. These freedoms allow America and it's citizens to be free.
So you can't actually address the data? Meme that woefully inaccurate but I'm sure to a certain personality trait it's satisfying..
333 million in the U.S. compared to a few million or hundreds of thousands is statistically a zero.Studies by the CDC and others have proven that 100,000 thousands to millions of defensive gun use happens a year to protect people and their lives. Why do you want more people to die from Crimes?
It is a statistical zero...... Cancer Kills more people, Strokes, Auto Accidents, etc. than Guns. Are you as gung ho in restricting Soda Pop and Cars?333 million in the U.S. compared to a few million or hundreds of thousands is statistically a zero.
I like this. Any statistic I don't like I just can call it a statistical zero and it's all good and makes me feel superior.
Not relevant of a comparison because we guns.. It's the price of Freedom and Liberty. They don't have access to Firearms to protect themselves from their Govt or From the average criminal.
You do know that stat is bogus..... They are factoring in the Ages of 18 and 19 year old's. 18 and 19 year old's are not children by any measure of the Law. They can vote, they can be drafted, own Property, get married without consent from a Adult and they will be tried as a Adult in a Court of law.Number one killer of children in the USA? Cancer? No. Auto accidents? No. Stabbings? No. GUNS. GUNS. GUNS.
Number one killer of children in the USA? Cancer? No. Auto accidents? No. Stabbings? No. GUNS. GUNS. GUNS.
Dog steps on rifle in backseat of truck, fatally shoots Kansas man, officials say
Joseph Austin Smith died after officials in Kansas say a dog a stepped on a rifle in the backseat of a truck, causing it to
In over all deaths... yes I agree .Those 18 and 19 stats are basically a statistical zero.
While I support a women's right to abortion, nothing will stop them from finding away. Clearly women kill children at a rate of about a Million a year..... Good gosh just how many years will it take to reach a million gun deaths from children at around 2k a year..... Hey mister finance(toots) your a math whiz can you help me out??Actually the #1 killer on children in women. Especially children under 12.
Do you know what the #1 killer of children in countries where guns are banned is?
Murder. Removing guns, doesn’t remove murder.