Empathy Schtick


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
"There's a never-ending list of black people being targeted by the cops".

This phrase is significantly more damaging to America, and more of a lie, than Donald Trump not saying BLM.

This is the game of empathy that Democrats love to play. If you disagree, you are just not caring enough guys. That's the schtick. I know what's best for America because I have empathy. Eyeblink. Not her, me. I lack empathy.

If I were to go with the lack of empathy card, I'd probably mention the people that block traffic and pull people from their cars and beat the heck out of them because of their race.

How about burning down stores? That's a good example of empathy.

No mention of the full-on riots in cities that have taken more lives than the police did of unarmed black Americans last year.

No mention of the looting of entire districts of LA, New York, Washington DC, Chicago but Trump is not empathetic that's the big problem.

And it doesn't matter that politicians are pushing the lying narrative that America is systemically racist and targeting blacks in endless numbers.

Notice what doesn't make the speech no denouncing of the BLM looters, Antifa rioters but the Democrats are the party of empathy.
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